Railjack Maneuvers Damage Rewards Foundry Mastery Rank Clan Focus Quests Lich System Helminth Welcome to theWARFRAME Wiki, a completely player-supported encyclopedia about the gameWARFRAME. Our purpose is to create the most complete database about the game on everything ranging from gameplay explanatio...
Enter Railjack. Technology from the Old War that when wielded today, could take all of Warframe’s combat to Orbit. We tried many things that were different from the norm. While some elements did offer a unique spin on the existing formula, it was not for everybody, and many complaints ...
Railjack Skin 3.jpg Railjack Skin 4.jpg Chrome h16eWIrytP.png RailjackThumbDrive.jpg The Reliquary Drive's mysterious cargo 另见 澎湃狂潮,引导玩家建造航道星舰的系列任务。 折叠游戏机制 货币 现金 • 杜卡德金币 • 白金 • 声望 常用 赋能 • 军械库 • 加成与减益效果...
修复了航道星舰Sungem和Caballero皮肤有部分主炮和副炮和皮肤交杂的问题 修复了Railjack任务中指挥官的航路点没有距离信息的问题。 修复了在驾驶航道星舰时候,HUD上的龙钥减益buff显示为红点的问题 修复了购买浮印安装在航道星舰上仅应用图标但不设置所选项目的情况,这导致浮印的名称没有更新,选择新浮印后会自动返回...
Do not spam the fire button as the fire rate will be nearly half of what it should be. Instead, time your clicks accordingly to get the hang of when to correctly press the fire button. There is a small delay after firing where reloading can occur, unlike most weapons, so usually ...
Angles of The Zariman 扎里曼的天使 The New War 新纪之战 Sisters of Parvos 帕尔沃斯的姐妹 Call of the Tempestarii 风暴的呼唤 Railjack Retrofit 航道星舰翻新 Deimos Arcana 火卫二:奥秘 Heart Of Deimos 惊惧之心 The Deadlock Protocol 僵局协议 Empyrean 九重天 Rising Tide 澎湃狂潮 Saint of Altra ...
【热修】Warfra..Warframe Revised: Railjack Revisited (Part 1): Hotfix 27.4.1Warframe修订版:航道星舰审查(第1部分):热修27.4.1We are
RailJack战术..战术MOD:封隙量子:面纱精英邃域战术战机11.06%火势抑制:地球深空高炮战机37.94% 土星回旋高炮战机25.29%列阵归队:土星精英回旋切割战机1.01%侵入停滞:土星精英回旋高炮战机22
在来自太空的多目标任务中,玩家可以呼叫「福尔图娜」或是「夜灵平野」的活跃玩家(或被呼叫)前来协助一个更大的目标 - 降低敌舰的护盾,偷窃重要数据,以及更多精彩内容,在 New War 来临之际。 自定义和升级所有东西:Drydock是你的 Railjack 的个人太空船库。升级你的战舰装置、装饰,以及强化武器比如:自动炮台,...
A new ship to travel the stars Welcome to this basic guide on everything related to the Railjack. The Railjack is a completely...