Class = "Fishing Spear", Conclave = false, Image = "StunnaFishingSpear.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/RobofishSpearC", Introduced = "24.0", Link = "Stunna", Name = "Stunna Fishing Spear", Range = 20, Slot = "Gear", Traits = { "Orb Vallis", }, Trigger...
Fixed being unable to catch Servofish with Qorvex using the Stunna and Shockprod Fishing Spears. Fixed “Catch X fish without missing a throw” Riven challenges resetting after each throw if attempted with Qorvex. Fixed Archon Shard Coalescent Fusion not displaying a success message upon succes...
"parentName": "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/BaseSpearFishingSpear" }, { "uniqueName": "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/RobofishSpearC", "name": "Harpon Stunna", "description": "Les impulsions \u00e9lectromagn\u00e9tiques s'\u00e9loignent en cercles concentriques neutralisan...
{ "Stunna Fishing Spear", "Gear", 5000, 1, 3 }, { "Mirewinder Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 6000, 1, 3 }, { "Longwinder Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 6000, 1, 3 }, { "Synathid Bait", "Gear", 400, 1, 4 }, { "Horrasque Echo-Lure", "Gear", 8000, 1, 4 },...
fishing in Orb Vallis is bugged (PSN)DragonxGundam 回复到 (PSN)DragonxGundam的 主题 在 General i was using the stunna fishing spear in Orb Vallis and i used the spari spear in demos 6月20日 12篇 回复 Other fishing in Orb Vallis is bugged (PSN)DragonxGundam 回复到 (PSN)DragonxGu...
{ "Stunna Fishing Spear", "Gear", 5000, 1, 3 }, { "Mirewinder Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 6000, 1, 3 }, { "Longwinder Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 6000, 1, 3 }, { "Synathid Bait", "Gear", 400, 1, 4 }, { "Horrasque Echo-Lure", "Gear", 8000, 1, 4 },...
{ "Lanzo Fishing Spear", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Tulok Fishing Spear", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Peram Fishing Spear", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Peppered Bait", "Gear", 50, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Luminous Dye", "Gear", 100, 1, ...