It's like.. jumping through all those hoops and using 2 augments just to be a kinda worse saryn.. is something I suppose. And that's not to say he's bad. Because he is extremely good at nuking, but I really do wish they'd do some light work on him to streamline how he functio...
To build Sampotes you don't need to use a single rare mod, it's way to easy to do millions of damage in a large area. Wanna play warframe on easy mode pick sampotes em hitkill enemies lvl 200+ BTW if you use with Saryn or chroma Sampotes will be even more broken. 此内容...
Yes, Saryn can nuke better, but she is also squishier at the same time. Mesa can clear rooms, as long as they're in her field of view. And Ember burns whole rooms, while being tankier to sustain damage. Anybody that whats to argue "x frame is better", go play Revenant, as ...
Sevagoth Dual augment Nuke builds... Lord_Chibi回复到FrostSpectre的 主题 在General Discussion For real. For example, the ammo nerf happened to AOE but that doesn't mean you can't run them with Protea, or that you can't run an Energized Munitions Cyte-09... ...
Best Playstyle and Lavos Build Lavos works best in Survival, Defense and Exterminate missions and it’s best to build this Warframe accordingly, although unlike other nuke Warframes like Saryn Prime, you need to keep moving around. Here’s the best build for Lavos: Corrosive Projection: for...
Hidden Messages WARFRAME Wiki Saryn Protea Wisp Top Pages this Week Technocyte Coda 1 Incarnon 2 Archon Shard 3 Warframes 4 The Circuit 5 Mirage's design aesthetic is based on the, and has annamed so. Both helmet designs also have elements inspired by the, particularly the body of the ...
and Saryn is the absolute queen of inflicting mass destruction in the game. She mixes Toxin and Viral damage and status effects to nuke enemies within dozens of meters of her. Whether you’re in a hard-fought mission or grinding Cephalon Simaris’ Sanctuary, Saryn is the Warframe you call ...
Next time you hear them talk about making all frames fun or balanced, and you see a no-skill-needed frame just spamming 1 skill (saryn, loki, ash, nova, limbo, excalibur, trinity, rhino) or being unkillable (valkyr, rhino, chroma, excalibur, trinity), you'll have an idea of just ...
Xaku was originally thought to be a DPS machine. While it certainly holds its own in the damage department, Xaku’s main advantage is stripping enemy defenses. Xaku really shines in missions with large number of enemies – and not because of any nuke potential like Saryn, but because of its...
Everyone seems to just be bitching becuase they cant use this mod to nuke everything and get massive shield boost whenever they want it, regardless of what your doing. In most Def, MD, and someties Survival, I can pretty consistently get everyone in my 4 man gruops to max overshields ...