The Plains of Eidolon is an expansive, open Landscape connected to Cetus, an Ostron settlement located on Earth. In the shadow of the Orokin Tower of the Unum lies an ancient battlefield, where an enormous Sentient was defeated during the Old War by Gar
夜灵平野Plains of Eidolon 夜灵平野 欢迎来到夜灵平野。Sentient 曾在这片站场中试图摧毁一座巨型的 Orokin 高塔,而现在 Ostron 人称之为家。Sentient 的失败已被永远地刻印在了这古老的坟墓里,散乱在这处景观中。 平野中的时间周期对所有 Tenno 来说都是一样的。每 100 分钟的美丽阳光,就会有 50 分钟的惊悚...
2. 开放地图一开始只能支持4人一队,因为DE想要尽快让玩家玩到,日后会逐渐放开成为完全开放。3. 目标上线时间远早于今年的12月,有消息称“夏末”。4. Plains of Eidolon的所在地是地球,但还有更多其他开放地图在计划中。5. 白天的地图没有很高的段位要求,新手可以非常早体验到。但是夜晚的部分必须完成内战任务,...
· Fixed a location where Drones in the Plains of Eidolon Bounties could get stuck inside a tent. · Fixed Diriga and NPCs not shooting Sapping Osprey mines (they will prioritize enemies first though). · Fixed the Veratria Blade and Whip skin affecting the reliability of heavy attacks. · ...
星际战甲:夜灵平野Warframe: PoE / Warframe: Update 22 / Warframe: 플레인 오브 아이돌론 / Warframe: 플레인 오브 아이돌론Warframe: Plains of Eidolon Digital Extremes 2017-10-12 7.59.0 中文 0想玩104在玩2080玩过3610已购买0在关注 ...
Citrine’s Last Wish is a Mainline Update, meaning that everything the team has been working on since the launch of Lua’s Prey last year is in this update (with the obvious exception of content that is not ready to be released). It is very likely, as it is with all Mainline updates...
Join the Tenno and defend an ever-expanding universe. Wield your Warframe's tactical abilities, craft a loadout of devastating weaponry and define your playstyle to become an unstoppable force in this genre-defining looter-shooter. Your Warframe is waiti
For new players, visiting the Plains in the daytime is both the ideal location and timeframe. There is a variety of accessible missions at easier levels to enjoy. At night, experienced players can take their chances at defeating the Teralyst Eidolon. The nighttime and the Eidolon fight portion...
These enemies will not appear in Plains of Eidolon, but rather our next location and under specific circumstances.Thumper Bot We snuck this into the last Devstream overview, but here’s a look at a new Grineer boss enemy on the Plains. When these guys do make an appearance, be careful, ...
It's a common bug with the board on the plains that I've seen since I started playing 2 months ago. I've found 3 ways to get out of it, and you'll usually end up either at the gate or somewhere random once your out of it depending on how far the game has registered you've ...