Gauss is the fourth Warframe to use another type of ability resource besides Energy, after Nidus, Baruuk, and Hildryn. In Gauss' case, he uses his Electrokinetic Battery. However, unlike the other Warframes, all of Gauss's Abilities still require energy to activate. While using Mach Rush...
Nidus can use Larva to catch Oxium Ospreys, leaving them open for potshots before they have a chance to destroy themselves while also potentially granting him Mutation stacks as well. Doing it this way however, it is ill-advised to melee the Oxium Ospreys as they can still detonate if the...
Nidus Prime Theme Oberon Prime Theme Octavia Prime Theme Revenant Prime Theme Vauban Prime Theme Note: The Somachord songs may take a moment to appear in Varzia’s Offerings - rest assured that they will be there momentarily after the update has launched! Hotfix 35.0.2 (2023-12-14) Fixe...
The intent is to get new players familiar with Aura Mods earlier in the game. Which is also why we have temporarily assigned it the Madurai Polarity, which matches the Aura Slot for our starter Warframes Mag and Volt (Excalibur has an unassigned Aura Polarity). We will be changing its Po...
You can continue to collect Remnants after Reinforcing your Crystal to earn more rewards for your entire squad.Keep an ear out for a soft ringing if you can’t see the tell-tale sparkle, or utilize Loot Detector mods to see where and when they spawn! Killing foes will encourage more of ...
The most important thing is to be able to live, so bring a tanky Warframe if you need to. Nidus is a great option, thanks to his incredible crowd control options. Revenant is also worth investing in because he can tank pretty much anything in the game while turning enemies into his sla...
If you desire to farm the respective Death Squads, it is possible to have hated standing with 4 groups at once. Simply switch between Steel Meridian, and Red Veil until both are max. Each aids the other, but each reduce 2 of the remaining groups. Supporting a combination of various Syndi...
You have to do so much to get over so much it breaks your kit, and makes it hard to work with him. Building Oberon as a caster works for a little while, but you sacrifice strength and range on his 2. Building him as a weapons platform is wrong at the moment. Radiation is ...
It could be Nidus, sure. I wonder though if DE would pull a Cyte-09 and use a character like Viktor as a means of introducing the next frame since it'd still follow their usual release pattern for normal frames of "two male, two female". I doubt this next frame would be a "Cyte...
so my suggestion would be to halve the cd of whatever cd a completion of her decree would be. the other change to her 2nd needs is to get the nidus treatment ie. that allies also contribute into the completion of her decrees but at a reduced effectiveness. the 3rd change i would ...