You can cast the ability again after the build-up to nuke all enemies within the area. Equinox’s advantage over Saryn is that you don’t need to keep your stacks (or Spores) up by specifically targeting enemies. The area of Slash damage simply moves with you. When building Equinox, ...
I tested this on Lavos withValence Formation. I was able to get a good nuke with toxin infusion and archon continuity makes null star proc corrosive as well. The infused toxindid not combinewith the heat element of the null star augment. I also used archon shards to boost toxin DoT and...
Back in 2015-17 Mirage Was dominating the game's damage department, In a time where the old Dev team were so much more strict, they nerfed any aoe nuke, and any overperforming ability. but now, I think it doesn't makes sense for Mirage to only use 2 clones for primary and secondary...
(Umbra) •Frost•Gara•Garuda•Gauss•Grendel•Gyre•Harrow•Hildryn•Hydroid•Inaros•Ivara•Jade•Khora•Koumei•Kullervo•Lavos•Limbo•Loki•Mag•Mesa•Mirage•Nekros•Nezha•Nidus•Nova•Nyx•Oberon•Octavia•Protea•Qorvex•Revenant•Rhino•Saryn•...
My build focuses on maximizing duration so I can get that Molecular Prime as far as possible. To reach the cap for the slow/speed on it, you only need to mod strength up to around 150%. If you want to nuke with her, use her 2 and charge up that orb and launch it at enemies....
Yes, Saryn can nuke better, but she is also squishier at the same time. Mesa can clear rooms, as long as they're in her field of view. And Ember burns whole rooms, while being tankier to sustain damage. Anybody that whats to argue "x frame is better", go play Revenant, as ...
Mirage: ja weil unbeschreiblicher Schaden. Banshee: Was besseres im VS Survival gibts nicht. Mittelfeld: Ember: kleines Flämmchen halt. Loki: nur für Spy und entwaffnen nützlich - is halt so. Vauban: Auch nur begrenzt tauglich ...
(titania, limbo, harrow, trinity, and similar warframes could self-sustain nuke without the limitations nova has present), and balancing nova around how other warframes can use this ability would be a huge mistake if the case here. i appreciate what de tries to do, but their lack of ...
(Chill chill dont nuke me yet..) Bring the most stupid melee weapon i have. (Venka Prime). 2x casting speed tau. 2x duration tau 1x corrosive tau. Prep standard harrow opener by setting up 2-3. Then... pop 4 on a victim. Start chanting HALLOWED ARE THE VOID. As i press 4 on...
(Chill chill dont nuke me yet..) Bring the most stupid melee weapon i have. (Venka Prime). 2x casting speed tau. 2x duration tau 1x corrosive tau. Prep standard harrow opener by setting up 2-3. Then... pop 4 on a victim. Start chanting HALLOWED ARE THE VOID. As i press 4 on...