Mastery Ranking, commonly abbreviated as MR, is a method of tracking how much of the game's total content a player has experienced with points earned by ranking up Warframes, Weapons, Companions, K-Drives, Necramechs, and Archwings with Affinity; success
熟练度不直接影响玩家爱的Mastery Rank,不过每个warframe升一级可以提供200点段位经验,每个武器、Archwing、守护升级将会提供100点段位经验。 所有装备的熟练度都会在任务途中显示,任务结束后结算页面也会显示当前任务获得的熟练度,它被简称为XP(经验值)。 经验值加成可以使用耗材购买 40的三天加成以及 80的七天加成...
精通段位 <MASTERY_RANK> 精通段位(小) <MASTERY_RANK_SMALL> 精通段位锁定 <MASTERY_RANK_LOCKED> Tennogen <UGC> 组合包 <BUNDLE> 交易图标名称输入文本对应图标 发送交易邀请 <TRADE_REQUEST_SENT_ICON> 搜寻交易中 <SEEKING_TRADE_ICON> 正在交易 <IN_TRADE_ICON> 特殊...
而Warframe作为一个 F2P 带内购的联机游戏,它里面有一个衡量玩家等级和进度的全局等级叫做Mastery Rank,而它的提升方式感觉就是很针对性的在提升各种内容的利用率。 Mastery Rank Warframe 是一个 PC/主机平台上类似“氪金手游”那种感觉的游戏,游戏内可以用“第三人称射击+动作+暗黑3刷刷刷”来概括。而这个游戏...
Mastery Rank Warframe 是一个 PC/主机平台上类似“氪金手游”那种感觉的游戏,游戏内可以用“第三人称射击+动作+暗黑3刷刷刷”来概括。而这个游戏里需要玩家收集的东西大头是角色(游戏里角色跟标题一样就叫 Warframe) ,武器。每一个角色和武器都自己有等级,上限是 30 级,而且数值上对于所有玩家之间是一样的,差...
dont even get me satrted on some of the master rank up missions bcuz whoever was in charge for 9 consider resigning It's one of the hardest Mastery Rank test in the game and most new player do quit when failing it a few times. Stay strong Tenno, you can do it !...
When I complete mastery rank one upgrade it gets stuck on the please wait screen with my Tenno sitting down. I then have to close out the game through steam and run it. Other missions work sometimes will get a black screen but I can hear the Tenno walkin
8. Weapon Stats, Mastery Limits and General Melee Changes Mastery Rank - Weapons have been reviewed to make sure their function and power are aligned with an appropriate Mastery Rank, similar to passes made on Primary and Secondary weapons. Base Damage - Since the Combo Multiplier will apply to...
As with all syndicates the formula is(Mastery Rank + 1) x 1.000– so if you are at MR 15 you will be able to gather 16.000 standing points per day. To gather those standing points you need to perform Synthesis, which is very different from the way the first syndicates you encounter wo...
Mastery Rank:This is the number that appears next to your player icon. It increases as you become more proficient with all types of weapons/gear in the game and work your way through the Star Chart. You’ll have to pass a short Mastery Rank Test in order to advance to the next level...