RM - 指Riven Market,一个供交易裂罅MOD的网站。所有交易需要在游戏内完成,网站只提供Mod信息。 R槽 - 指极性。 人满不回 - 多用于组队时,意为如果小队成员已满,其他玩家再私聊想入队就不一一回复小队已满了。 S S系,S佬 - 指Sentient敌人。 水男- 即 Hydroid。 水妹/鸭梨 - 即 Yareli 沙甲- 即 In...
WARFRAME 战甲购买价格参考22.3.13 写在前面:以下价格以wm当前(下午3:30)卖单为参考,并以作者认为能在wm比较轻松购入的价格展示.实际价格可能更低但偏差值应该不会过15p,除出入库热修情况价格相当稳定战甲名 价格Ash Prime 160Atlas Prime 55Banshee Prime 60Chroma Prime 75Ember Prime 100Equinox Prime 75Frost...
Frost = { title = "Frost Prime" }, Glaive = { title = "战刃Prime" }, Latron = { title = "拉特昂Prime" }, Mag = { title = "Mag Prime" }, Mirage = { title = "Mirage Prime" }, Orthos = { title = "欧特鲁斯Prime" }, Odonata = { title = "Odonata Prime" }, Paris = {...
Warframes are obtained by two general methods: crafting them with in-game materials at the Foundry or purchasing them fully assembled from the Market. Additionally, obtaining a Warframe requires the use of a storage slot. Players possess a finite number of storage slots, which can be expanded...
Mirage is the first Warframe that can be obtained through a quest. Mirage was the first Warframe that is known to participate in theSentientWar that occurred before the events of the game while the second one would beGara. Mirage is the first quest-driven Warframe to receive a Prime varian...
Included in this first batch of designs from Round 21, you’ll find exciting Skins and Customizations for your Warframes, Weapons, and more! Check them out now in the in-game Market and support hard-working Tenno designers from the Warframe Community. ...
- Banshee Prime and Mirage Prime are arriving via Prime Resurgence in July.- Our Pride celebrations are coming to an end. You can grab the Pride-themed Glyph, Display, and Color Palette in the Market until the end of June. If you missed it, the Glyph and Display will also be available...
会不会给交易系统植入些方便的功能,比如植入 Warframe Market? 答:显赫武器方面近期不会去改动,因为目前还没改动的好主意。不过如果有主意了会去进行处理的,不会放着不管。 至于交易方面,如果改进过滤器的可视度的话,应该能帮助到1%的玩家,还想过弄一个分开的裂罅交易频道,总之游戏内的交易功能目前不会改动。至于...
另外也推荐萌新多刷刷wiki,以及WF虚空境APP了解渠道,另外如果想不被坑白金,可以在Warframe market上...