内部名称 /Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeMagnus/PrimeMagnusWeapon 资料库 Orokin的优雅与强大制动力在这把精致的左轮手枪中相遇。命中时有几率在数秒内最大化弹药效率。 麦格努斯Prime是 麦格努斯的Prime版本。拥有更高的暴击几率,暴击倍率,和触发几率,并略微提升了装填速度。于更新30.7与 Nidus Prime和 斯特朗...
Warframe Let's Build the Magnus Pistol (Damage 2.0 Build) MAGNUS - THE BIG PENIS OF PISTOLAS 4 forma - Warframe 更新历史 更新32.2.0:《月之猎物》 - 射速从 5.83 降低到 4.3。 伤害从 76 增加到 98。 装填时间从 1.4 增加到 1.8。 夜灵圣所:更新22.12.0 - 段位限制从 4 增加至 10 伤害...
Pyrana Prime A tier These are exceptional choices for anyone who needs a great sidearm. They may not be at the top of the tier, but they are more than qualified to do the job. These secondary weapons can be on par with those in the S Tier with a few modifications. Even with just t...
Akmagnus Akstiletto AkZani Ammo Drum Amphis Angstrum Animal Instinct Ankyros 模板:Arcane 模板:Arcane/doc Archwing 分類:Archwing机体MOD 分類:Archwing枪械MOD 分類:Archwing近战MOD Arrow Mutation 使用者:Arturiaxnight/虛空遺物 Ash Ash/Main Ash/Prime ...
Now that Wisp Prime Access is available, the following items have been added to the Prime Vault for a future Prime Resurgence rotation. If you have Relics that contain these items they will remain in your Inventory. Nidus Prime Strun Prime Magnus Prime ...
It's a good thing they made it so these parts are only available through opposing factions. I'd hate to actually be able to build the thing. View more replies A Fandom user·7/18/2016 you must succumb to their microtransaction pyramid scheme. Buy plat, trade, consume, obey, do not...
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 下一页 (20 / 36 页) You know what...I feel like Ripline would fit as a new feature for Parazon, and a compliment to Bulletjumps for all Warframes. Prof-Dante发表 一个主题 在General Discussion ...
Nikana Prime is one of Tenno's staple melee weapons at the moment. It has the highest critical chance and critical multiplier of all Nikanas, which, combined with its elegant design and the in-game feeling of use, makes it the number one for us. ...
(Prime). Before the release of Atomos, the closest one could get to this effect was with using a Tysis that was heavily modified for Heat and Status Chance.Ground-based enemies (e.g. Corpus Crewmen, Infested Chargers etc.) slain by the Atomos will char or appear to be coated in as...
Magnus Prime Orokin elegance meets formidable stopping power in this exquisite revolver. Features altered Mod polarities for greater customization. Exclusive Nidus Prime Glyphs Nidus Prime Accessories! Infested Orbiter Decorations:These encrusted surfaces and drooping growths give your Orbiter's interior the...