52、ds燃烧弹头Tennogen Weapon Skin BundleTennogen武器外观组合包Corrupt Charge邪恶蓄力Fast Deflection快速充能Quotes语录Kama短柄战镰Martial Fury狂暴尚武Kotara窟窿Physique体魄Vulklok金工火枪Medi-Ray医疗射线Bleeding Key残血龙钥Color Picker Extension调色板Shield Overload护盾过载Vicious Frost蚀骨寒霜Nightmare Mode Mods...
Gauss is fast, deals high damage, and has strong survivability. Movement charges his powerful battery, so never stop moving. Passive Moving generates an electrical current that fills Gauss' battery. Shields recharge up to 120% faster while the Recharge Delay is up to 80% shorter, based on ...
Really bad ui - scaling is off, theeverything is stretched out, some one the ui element are hidder or cut, the ui elemets are of low resolution No aim assist, which is stupid when the game is fast even from the very beginning. Graphics are horrible: everything is muddy, the game ...
a setting that's all the rage right now and when somebody said they would never be able to update it fast enough, they overcompensated by making the entire game about updates. In a way, Warframe has been designed as a frame for whatever new type of weapon or system designers such as ...
Captain Vor’s damage intake is now locked to stages, prevent massive damage from taking him down too fast. 指挥官Vor受到的伤害量被阶段锁定,防止他受到过多伤害而阶段变化太快FIXES: Fixed the Sobek and Torid weapons so that they can be fired when coming out of a sprint. 修正Sobek和Torid使...
Added a Fast Travel option in the Pause menu to get to Kahl’s Garrison while in the Drifter Camp. Previously this was accessed within the Profile option - now it’s better exposed for quick access! New CosmeticsStyanax Gerousic HelmetThis...
First, the heavy attack wind-up speed is being increased from 0.6 seconds to 1.2 seconds. With more time on the wind-up, it is much harder to accidentally throw when you are trying to swing. With this increased wind-up speed, players are also more capable of performing quick throws. ...
Modifies how fast a Warframe moves. —In-game Description Sprint Speedaffects how fast a Warframe can run andsprint. Consequently, it also affects the speed and distance they willSlideandBullet Jump, as well as the speed of certain Warframe abilities. ...
Currently: adds 100 damage up to 5m cap, then multiplies by multiplier * Power Strength New: add 100 damage * multiplier * power strength up to 5m cap Replaced the “Stun Deacons” (“Stun 5 Deacons using the Veilbreaker”) Challenge from the “Junk Run” Break Narmer mission with a “...