An even stronger Zarr cannon to meet the demands of Kuva Liches. With stronger explosive barrages, and long-range flak shots. The Kuva Zarr is the Kuva variant of the Zarr, with drastic improvements to its critical chance, status chance, the Cannon mode
Kuva Chakkhurr is a Kuva weapon variant of the Grineer flintlock-style rifle Chakkhurr. It has a limited rate of fire and ammunition, but its shots deal an incredible amount of Impact damage. If the player scores a headshot, they will receive a massive 50% damage bonus. It's highly reg...
If the best of the best doesn’t suit your style, there are plenty of other choices. However, you should still ensure that the ones you want are functional and can be on par with the top guns with minor modifications. Here are all the rankings of each secondary weapon in Warframe: S ...
The Atomos is a Grineer particle cannon, firing a Heat-based beam that can chain between multiple enemies. This weapon can be sold for 2,500 Credits 2,500; it is also a requisite ingredient for Twin Basolk. This weapon deals Heat damage. Damage ramps
Weapons are used by Warframes, Archwings, Sentinels, and enemies to cause damage. Weapons can be leveled up for more mod capacity to apply more mods and increase capability. There are three main weapon types used by Warframes: Primary, Secondary, and Mel
Kuva Zarr – This weapon is a fusion between a rocket launcher and a shotgun. It has excellent critical hit and status chances. Its wide radius and cluster bomblets make it easy for gamers to clear out swaths of enemies. Alternative Warframe Primary Weapon Options ...
The Aklato is a dual wield version of the Lato, which features a higher fire rate and magazine size, but lower accuracy and reload speed. It can be sold for 5,000 Credits 5,000. This weapon deals primarily Slash damage. Advantages over other Secondary
*Stats shown at max rank Arcane Power Ramp (Warframe) On Ability Cast: Next Ability cast gains +9% Ability Strength, stacking up to 4x. Resets when the same ability is recast consecutively. Primary Blight (Primary) On Toxin Status Effect: +3.6%% Critical Damage and +1.8% Multishot ...
Allows you to change the polarity of a mod slot on a Warframe, Companions or Weapon and then resets their affinity to Unranked. This can only be used on max Rank Warframes, Companions and Weapons.", Image = "forma.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Forma", ItemCount...
The utterly busted Incarnon weapons in Warframe might be all the rage for late-game combat, but if you’re just new or fresh out of the early game and are ready for more advanced stuff, then the Kuva weapons offer a nice middle ground between power and accessibility. They can be ...