-- CTRL + F "Warframe Name" to immediately go to the location of that -- Warframe/Necramech/Helminth's abilities -- Note that ["Warframe"] subtable indexes ability by the Warframe they belong to local AbilityData = { Archived = { ["Accelerant"] = { Name = "Accelerant", CardImage ...
Changed damage type from Slash to Blast damage, with a guaranteed Blast Proc. Base Null Star damage has also been increased from 150 to300(Despite the patch notes, Null Star does 200 damage). With the above improvements, Null Star when applied via Helminth is now altered and has its Damage...
Minimium rank required to use and trade Riven Mods. Allows purchasing the Helminth Segment from Son, giving access to Helminth's ability to subsume Warframes, inject abilities, and invigorate Warframes with week-long buffs. MR10 Unlocks the ability to deploy 3 Resource Extractors simultaneously...
While deployed, the Dispensary's location is indicated on the minimap using its ability icon. Deploying a new Dispensary will remove the current one. Pickups produced by the Dispensary are individual instances per player. If one player picks up an item, it will only disappear for that player ...
I think the original proto-warframe probably had memories and haven't suffered like umbra, cause it isn't the body becoming someone/something else (like we currently do to make warframes, a lot of defense objectives are bodies in pods infected with helminth waiting to be transformed into kn...
Fixed instances of too-dark lighting in the Helminth Room of the Orbiter. Fixed a map hole in the Albrecht’s Laboratories tileset. Fixed being able to access the Gear Wheel during The Lotus Eaters Quest. There’s a time and place for everything! But not now. Fixed elemental FX bei...
Helminth:Wyvern’s Ward. Reduced effectiveness. Opinions:A person had given me a very important criticism concerning the augments, and the overall rework. Half of these augments were just returning Chroma to his original state, which was intentional. But, looking back, it was also lazy and not...
Resupply is not that interesting of a Helminth option - the extra elemental damage can interfere with existing weapon damage, and there isn't any gain for warframe abilities. In terms of ammo, it's also likely going to be inferior to Dispensary, which just straight up restocks everything ...
Removed the ability to collect duplicate Ephemeras. Ephemeras now abide by the “one per person” rule that other cosmetic items follow. And thus clearing out the unnecessary inventory clutter. A script will run upon first login after updating to remove existing duplicates. ...
Added a new react animation to several Grineer and Corpus units when Warframes vanish in front of them (using Abilities or other mechanics). This also applies to their Narmer variants. Added an “Infused ability removed successfully” popup after removing an Infused ability at Helminth. ...