战刃Prime(英文名:Glaive Prime) 基本信息 段位需求 10 交易属性 蓝图或部件可交易 武器类型 近战 武器种类 战刃 详细属性 攻击速度 1.25 弹药拾取量 80 攻击范围 1.25米 连击持续时间 5秒 格挡角度 55° 伤害穿透 70% 裂罅倾向性 ●●○○○ (0.7) 普通攻击 24.6 24.6 114.8 总伤害 164...
Glaive Prime (V) Gram Prime (V) Guandao Prime (V) Gunsen Prime Karyst Prime (V) Kogake Prime (V) Kronen Prime (V) Masseter Prime Nami Skyla Prime (V,R) Nikana Prime (V) Ninkondi Prime (V,R) Okina Prime Orthos Prime (P) Pangolin Prime (V,R) Quassus Prime Reaper Prime (V) ...
目前前筆2018年6月20日 (三) 15:09Arturiaxnight留言牆貢獻小10,183位元組0Arturiaxnight移动Glaive Prime页面至戰刃 Prime 2015年4月28日 (星期二) 目前前筆2015年4月28日 (二) 10:1361.228.13.182貢獻10,183位元組+10把中文譯名稍微改上去 非常小的貢獻而已標籤:視覺化編輯api...
1.4.7 Prime MOD 1.4.8 組合MOD 1.4.9 亡骸機甲 1.5 Octavia 曲包 對照表 對照表會根據屬於種類進行劃分,請靈活使用瀏覽器搜索以及表格自帶的排序、篩選功能來快速找到需要的條目。 戰甲 英文名 國際服簡體名稱 國際服繁體名称 Ash Ash Ash Ash_Prime Ash_Prime Ash_Prime Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas_Pr...
Reduced the Channeled explosion damage and radius of all Glaive weapons in Conclave. Increased projectile damage of Halikar and Kestrel in Conclave. Decreased projectile damage of Glaive Prime in Conclave. Hotfix 19.0.5 (2016-11-18) Map voting images will no longer appear as white boxes if yo...
Explore Fan Central Current Hide WARFRAME Wiki Others Like You Viewed Rubico Prime Ash/Prime Panthera Prime Carrier/Prime Prime Top Pages this Week Incarnon 1 The Circuit 2 Warframes 3 Operation: Belly of the Beast 4 Archon Shard 5 ...
See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.Comparisons: Acceltra (Rocket Explosion), compared to Acceltra Prime (Rocket Explosion): Lower base damage per projectile (44.00 vs. 53.00) Lower Puncture damage ( 35.2 vs. 42.4) Lower Slash damage ( 8.8 vs. 10.6) Lower ...
Fixed a crash that could occur when switching between Operator and Necramech after firing any type of Glaive. Fixed an issue where a given Necramech’s Exalted Weapon would not properly update when in the Arsenal. Fixed two players being able to occupy the same Necramech in Operation: Orphix ...
Fixed an issue with several one-handed Melee weapons not functioning (as an accidental result of the Glaive changes). Weapons included: most Machetes, Plasma Sword, Destreza and Destreza Prime, Sheev, and Scoliac. Update 29.5 (2020-11-19) Improved Melee slam animations! You’ll now be ab...
Prime doesn't necessarily mean built by the Orokin, just built using Orokin technology. Things like Vor's Seer are technically primed, being a Grineer pistol enhanced with Orokin tech. Mag Prime is another strong example, being a Tenno-designed frame that still got a primed version. ...