Fastest way to find NewPP report is by opening up the browser's developer tool (F12) and CTRL+F for NewPP in DOM and Style Inspector. Alternative ways include: Scrolling to the bottom of the element containing the article's content as NewPP will always be appended when wikitext is par...
The enemies inside the Index aren’t just high level, but also have special abilities and movement, which makes it even more important to get the best load out possible. And while you probably can finish the low risk mission with almostevery Warframe, the other two missions (with way highe...
Must-have weapons in Warframe The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article: Good starter weapons(Primary, Secondary as well as Melee) Goodhigh-level weapons Rifle, Shotguns, Energy, Elemental andfaction specific weapons (Short) Introduction to Enemy factions (including Tips) The ...
Mesa is the fastest draw in the realm.This is Mesa, the vagabond, the outcast. Do you feel lucky, Tenno? Mesa's got the fastest guns in the stars. —LotusRelease Date: November 27th, 2014 The gunslinger Mesa wields both style and power to overcome her foes in a rapid shower of ...
For Octavia's ability, see Amp (Ability). Amps are special modular weapons used by Tenno Operators to enhance their combat capability, which can be acquired from The Quills and Vox Solaris. Appearing as a gauntlet worn on their right forearms, these Amp
While it may not be the most lucrative, Ukko is the fastest mission players can undertake. This instance is a capture type, so gamers can quickly clear the level in a minute or two. Unlike survival missions, players farm resources from roaming after completing their objectives in this challeng...
- I don't think you need to do any Eidolons either, unless it's for crafting materials in which case you can get sentient cores from the survival missions on Lua (and maybe others), though getting them from vomvalysts is probably the fastest way to get them. The Necramech grind is...
This is a great way to get groups of enemies to thin their own ranks while you and your allies may either lay back and regroup or join in on the action. This is useful when going against enemies with ranged weapons but also has the effect of knocking down the infested, making this ab...
Learn how to bulletjump. This is the fastest way to move in the game and sometimes the only way to reach certain regions. Alternative you can use my autohotkey script which puts the bulletjump to the window key (you can remap it to a different key). Don't worry. The use of that sc...
Disruption, second fastest yet the easiest mission to level cap, but again can be done fast for casual players. Great for stress testing builds for high level content (this is needed because for SOME REASON we STILL cannot freely adjust enemy level in simulacrum. What is the point of a tes...