Some things to note: -Frost is one of the first and easiest Warframes you can get, so his abilities need to be simple and his relative power regulated. -Frozen enemies providing armor further increases your globe strength and general survivability. This is invaluable, especially when we're...
WarframesEdit Ash•Atlas•Banshee•Baruuk•Caliban•Chroma•Citrine•Cyte-09•Dagath•Dante•Ember•Equinox•Excalibur(Umbra) •Frost•Gara•Garuda•Gauss•Grendel•Gyre•Harrow•Hildryn•Hydroid•Inaros•Ivara•Jade•Khora•Koumei•Kullervo•Lavos•Limbo•Loki...
used ones in gaming. There's no software solution to this problem. The easiest way to fix it when it happens to you is to unpless all the keys and then press and unpress the key which is stuck - for example, if your character moves to the left you need to press and unpress A ...
IMO, regular frames should be 1 day. Primes frames can keep being 3 days. This will help with player retention, which is better revenue in the long run. Rushing for free is a bad idea, but the fact that sometimes items with 1 minute left could cost 26p is a bit ridiculous; I can...