Whether you are just starting with Warframe or have been playing for years, The Duviri Paradox will be available to all players. From the very beginning of your journey, all Tenno can choose to begin at the ending and play The Duviri Paradox. Experience it for yourself this April on all ...
How large the Duviri landscape is with the floating islands and the underground caves, with the Undercroft gameplay space, and just how much the team has put into makingThe Duviri Paradoxfeel like a true Eternalism space. That this space isWarframe, but it's also unique enough that it feels...
The Duviri Paradox introduced a rogue-like game mode with combat mechanics reminiscent of Elden Ring or Dark Souls—but without the polish. While I appreciate the developers’ attempts at innovation, this divergence felt jarring. The alternate start option (later removed) created confusion for new ...
关于新主线 Duvi..首先放一张图有些人说这位是海登天诺然后这个是railjack里面咖喱的指挥官的脸看,是不是一模一样然后那把猛虎,也是这个指挥官给的证明这两个指挥官是同一个人的依据还有一个,就是这个人在面对骑马的那个人时,做了个放波的手势
Duviri is an open-world region within the Void. Ruled by the tyrannical but childish Dominus Thrax, his mood and emotions directly influence the lands. Duviri becomes available upon completing The Duviri Paradox quest. It was introduced in Update 33.0 (2
新内容The Duviri Paradox预告片 另一端长达4分多钟的预告片为我们公开了《Warframe》接下来正在开发的内容。在这段预告片中,我们看到了造型诡异的马匹、一个神秘的新场景、长大的指挥官与年轻的自己等等,这个名为The Duviri Paradox的新更新项目显得十分神秘,也让众多玩家非常激动。
Once you complete The Duviri Paradox quest, you must embrace the madness with three separate ways to play in Duviri: The Lone Story:A streamlined experience that focuses on the story of The Duviri Paradox through the cinematic quest. The Duviri Experience:Experience everything Duviri has to o...
《Warframe》在長達十年的遊戲開發歷程中,延伸出令人驚豔的多重面向,而最新推出的資料片「Duviri 悖論」,其大膽創新可謂前所未見。 內含時間迴圈、開放世界冒險,以及隨機出現的任務段落,讓新舊玩家都能享有絕無僅有的遊戲體驗。 這款擴充包已經在 Epic Games Store 上架販售,若想進入 Digital Extremes 規模龐大且的...
Duviri Par..别问我Duviri Paradox怎么翻译,我没看,我只是结合魔都主线推断出来的,虚空有一项特别效果就是虚空分身.就是某人在实验里触发了虚空世界的分身.所以那个指挥官是同一个人,其中一个是虚空分身.触
星际战甲:杜维利悖论Warframe: Update 33Warframe: The Duviri Paradox Digital Extremes 2023-04-26 6.9- . - 中文 0想玩74在玩506玩过3610已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 媒体评分6.9评论数不足- . - Warframe 是一款在不断变化的科幻世界中的多人合作免费在线动作游戏。和你的同伴...