Varzia Dax is back and more accessible than ever. Whether you choose to visit her in Maroo’s Bazaar on Mars, access her shop directly from your Orbiter’s Void Relic Segment, or discover her wares through the in-game Market. In addition to the current Prime Resurgence rotation, a wealth...
Varzia Dax is back and more accessible than ever. Whether you choose to visit her in Maroo’s Bazaar on Mars, access her shop directly from your Orbiter’s Void Relic Segment, or discover her wares through the in-game Market. In addition to the current Prime Resurgence rotation, a wealth...
Khora Prime is Vaulted. The Void Relics for this item have been removed from the drop tables and do not drop during missions at this time. Check the current Prime Resurgence rotation to see if Varzia offers relics for this item. Vaulted Void Relics already contained in player inventories are...
Nidus Prime is Vaulted. The Void Relics for this item have been removed from the drop tables and do not drop during missions at this time. Check the current Prime Resurgence rotation to see if Varzia offers relics for this item. Vaulted Void Relics already contained in player inventories are...
The Boar Prime is the Prime version of the Boar, featuring higher damage, critical chance, critical multiplier, status chance, and fire rate. It was released alongside Mag Prime and Dakra Prime. This weapon deals primarily Impact damage. Innate multi
· Note: Orokin Derelict Defense has had all Credit Rewards removed from rotation with this Update. Review is ongoing for the current loot in the endless mission types.· Panic buttons now can be un-alerted. This means if you've been detected on a ship/planet/location, you can revert the...
- Fixed character rotation errors that occur when moving between menu screens.- Fixed hang and/or crash when reviving after Harvester kills you.- Fixed a number of repeating and incorrect Lotus lines.- Fixed display of crit-rate and crit-multiplier for projectile weapons (it was showing values...
All mission rewards, like what drops where and in which rotation. (Source) Data structure: "missionRewards": { "Sedna": { "Hydron": { "gameMode": "Defense", "isEvent": false, "rewards": { "A": [ { "_id": "c0400ac7082c2f3d811e47ca9b7a8ae8", "itemName": "Vitality", "chan...
This weapon is a beast, has excellent mobility in its attack animations and worth trying out if you really want to smack a dude and find most of the current melee options available underwhelming. Honorable Mentions: Praedos - Marginally weaker Kronen Prime alternative that comes with some ...
Tweaks to Recoil feel and Accuracy, generally sharper Rotation and Translation Springs, added Noise & better spread control when firing while aimed. Added force feedback to all firing sounds. Increased damage per pellet from 12 to 14. Decreased reload time from 3.37 to 3. Increased Crit Chance...