Here is the updated Offering Rotation Schedule for the Steel Path Circuit with these new additions: Week 1: Braton, Lato, Skana, Paris, Kunai (this week’s offerings) Week 2: Boar, Gammacor, Angstrum, Gorgon, and Anku Week 3: Bo, Latron, Furis, Furax, Strun Week 4: Lex, Magist...
As a result, we are altering the current Steel Path Circuit reward rotation to ensure they show up next week (July 30th). Here is the updated Offering Rotation Schedule for the Steel Path Circuit: Week 1: Braton, Lato, Skana, Paris, Kunai (this week’s offerings) Week 2: (NEW) ...
Updated the “Duviri Steel Path is locked” message to indicate which nodes need to be completed in order to gain access. Fixed Clients attempting to do Finisher the Jackal in the Circuit sometimes not properly registering, allowing players to deal damage without progressing the fight stage, leadi...
-- Basically any gamemodes that are not necessarily attached to a particular node -- Currently in use in M:DropTables ["MissionModifiers"] = { ["Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty"] = { Name = "Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty", Link = "Isolation Vault", LocationNote = "*[[Cambion Drift]], ...
The Steel Path version will help you unlock Incarnon Adapters that you can put on other weapons I couldn't sleep and finished the Duviri quest early this AM and found the Circuit. It's interesting and different. Have reached level 4.5 and nearly unlocked Lex incarnon so far. Thanks guys...
Doing just 1 rotation to complete it is not hard and doable on a half-moded no potato mech - just use ult and bring zenurik focus to restore mech energy in between. BUT the Orphix missions and its rewards absolutely need a change - its too much and takes forever for really bad reward...
Look out for 5 new Incarnons in the Steel Path Circuit schedule:- Boar- Gorgon- Anku- Angstrum- Gammacor These will be added to the Circuit reward rotation, but for those who want instant access to them, we are discussing making these 5 Incarnon Geneses also purchasable from Cavalero fo...
Tier 9 The Circuit (Normal) 4% ~ 25 A Rotations 169 ± 56 A Rotations Tier 1 The Circuit (Normal) 0.67% ~ 149 A Rotations 1027 ± 342 A Rotations Tier 3 The Circuit (Normal) 0.67% ~ 149 A Rotations 1027 ± 342 A Rotations Eidolon Hydrolyst Kill 11.70% ~ 8 Kills 55 ± 18...
Upon completion of The Duviri Paradox and Angels of the Zariman, and unlocking The Steel Path, players can earn Strun Incarnon Genesis from The Circuit's Steel Path to place on their Strun with the help of Cavalero in the Chrysalith. This Incarnon Genesis form grants it evolutions to a...
in sets of five over a period of seven weeks. After the seventh week, the cycle restarts with the first set and continues in this pattern. From each set of five options, you can choose two Incarnon Adapters, awarded as rewards at tiers five and 10 in the Steel Path’s Duviri Circuit...