内部名称 /Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/OperatorAmplifiers/SentTrainingAmplifier/SentAmpTrainingBarrel 增幅器能集中并改变一名指挥官的虚空射线。这个初始增幅器很强大,但是缺乏了装配增幅器的灵活性 –游戏介绍 微尘增幅器是玩家在 夜羽处获得的第一个增幅器。它能增强指挥官的虚空射线,提高其伤害并拥有独立的弹匣。
Custom Operator and Drifter Amps are often overlooked but very powerful additions to every Tenno’s arsenal. They’re a little complicated to get your hands on and are all but required to have a good time while running lucrative “endgame” activities like the Zariman missions and Eidolon hunt...
New Drifter / Operator Suits The Scaldra may be our enemies, but they look good doing it. So, we’re adding some Scaldra-themed cosmetics for your Operator and Drifter! Suit 1 Suit 2: New Decorations The (Evil) ChairAdd some lumbar support to your Backroom or Orbiter, but be ready fo...
Hotfix 38.0.4(2024-12-17) Fixed changing Amp appearance causing Drifter’s head to snap backwards (horrifying). Update 34.0(2023-10-18) Operator Amps can now interrupt Dax abilities in the Undercroft similar to how weapon fire can.
Kills with Operator abilities: All Affinity goes to the Operator's equipped Amp when possible.[2] Kill with Amp: 100% of Affinity goes to the killing Amp. Shared Affinity from allied Tenno kills: When within 50 meters of an ally (200 meters while using a Fosfor, 250 meters in Landscape...
In the Origin System, both Drifter and Operator receive this boost. 10 Overpowering Abilities In Duviri, using an Ability increases damage by 150% for 3 seconds. Game Modes The Duviri Experience Duviri as it was intended to be played. Story and side objectives together. —In-Game Description ...
When you want to improve your Amp, shards are one of the most essential things you need, along with other things such as Fish Oil, Iradite, and Alloy Plates. These shards are a big deal because they make your Operator Amp more powerful and better at fighting Eidolons and Sentients. ...
The description of the Way states that it should grant “additional X% Weapon Damage per Lifted enemy attacked by Operator,” but it was only buffing Primary and Secondary weapons. Since Naramon is primarily Melee focused, it only made sense to apply the bonus to Melee as well. Fixed loss...
Normalized Fish Part costs across Amp Part Blueprints - some had 5 rare parts, some had 2, now there's 3 needed for all. Removed Cetus Wisps from Amp Prism Blueprint, and replaced them with Fish Parts or Eidolon Gems. Removed Fish Scales costs from Operator Armour Blueprints, and replaced...
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