There are three types of weapons of slots in the game, primary, secondary, and melee. The secondaries are the sidearms that Tenos will bring to the battlefield. While they are not the main form of damage-dealing items characters should have, they are handy, especially when you run out of...
Untradeable WeaponsCODEX Using a barrage of rapid-fire plasma rockets, Gauss' signature weapon lays down a path of destruction. Reloads are faster while sprinting, even more so in Gauss' hands. For safety, rockets arm after traveling a safe distance.LEVERIAN...
This is, however, very effective with pistol weapons where a limited threshold allows for quick trigger taps. With that said, this update is bringing the following changes to address the above: We have increased the trigger release sensitivity so that there is more space for error between fi...
In Warframe, your equipment becomes more powerful when you equip it with mods. Mods appear as cards that drop as loot from enemies and missions and can be equipped with Warframes, weapons, companions, and archwings to enhance their stats and grant them additional abilities. There are more t...
Melee Amphis 3000 Melee Anku 3000 Melee Ankyros 3000 Melee Ankyros Prime 3000 Melee Arca Titron 3000 Melee Arum Spinosa 3000 Melee Atterax 3000 Melee Amanata 3000 Melee Zaw Balla 3000 Melee Bo 3000 Melee Bo Prime 3000 Melee Boltace 3000 Melee Broken Scepter 3000 Melee Broken War 3000 Melee...
VOID STORM REWARDS UPDATE & NEW TENET MELEE WEAPONS Long lost CORRUPTED HOLOKEYS have been discovered in the raging Void Storms! Millions of these Holokeys were lost to the Void when Parvos Granum’s flagship was bombed. Perrin Sequence’s own Ergo Glast has a strong desire for these ...
Weapons Accuracy • Alternate Fire • Ammo • Area of Effect • Attack Speed • Bounce • Critical Hit • Damage Falloff • Exalted Weapon • Fire Rate • Hitscan • Holster • Incarnon • Melee • Multishot • Noise • Projectile • Projectile Speed • Punch Th...
Meanwhile you can get the normal one. The have exactly the same playstyle except the prime has better stats, you willl likely not need those for the content you do atm. Later later on there is a way to attach certain item to it (same as Atomos and Gammacor of the weapons you mentio...
Kullervo answers for his sins and the sins of others. His daggers and melee prowess deal high damage. Seize the power of treachery to slake his thirst for revenge. Passive Kullervo boasts +75% Heavy Attack Efficiency and +100% Heavy Attack Wind Up Speed on all melee weapons. Wrathful Ad...
{ "Irradiating Disarm" }, CardImage = "RadialDisarmModx256.png", Cost = 100, Description = "Lets forth a wave of energy, disrupting the projectile weapons of enemies in range and forcing them to revert to melee combat.", Icon = "RadialDisarm130xWhite.png", InternalName = "/Lotus/...