Warframe十二周年庆典盛大开启,全新扩展包科腐者安可(Techrot Encore)全球上线,同步推出Soulframe序章测试版。这场跨越星河的摇滚狂欢,不仅是对玩家十二年支持的深情回馈,更是Warframe迈向新纪元的重磅宣言。新版本中,玩家将解锁四大原型战甲,挑战科技细胞终幕者,体验充满音乐元素的男乐队Boss战。此外,还有全新任务模式和...
She is often philosophical in her chats with the Drifter, questioning them on how they interpret death and the possibility of how a personality or "soul" survives after death, additionally asking them about their nature as one of the two known versions of the Tenno, coming to the conclusion ...
{AbilityModBenefits | ability1=Embrace | ability1icon = WraithDeathsGrasp.png | ability1strength = true | ability1duration = true | ability1range = true | ability2=Embrace | ability2icon = WraithSoulHarvest.png | ability2strength = true | ability2duration = true | ability2range = true |...
Everything feels more concrete. Warframe's lore is really interesting in its own right but everything feels kinda floaty. Not a lot is really explained to us directly and we don't get a lot of info on certain events. The syndicates for example, they've b
国际服{A SOUL..本氏族设施齐全,致力于为新老玩家体验完整游戏内容提供助力。加入氏族无门槛,氏族成员需要每90天内至少登录游戏一次,同时保证做到文明游戏、友好交流,此外无硬性规定,可自由进入和退出。加入方式:通过回复或
This game is called Warframe and it's all about the armor, so maybe the Warframes are our Daisho, the soul of our family crafted into metal, the one thing we only take off when we are at home, much like the samurai's swords. So maybe we DO carry the Warframe to a LOT of ...
the rivulet reached the road and... began to pool. The shocked cries of other farmers rang out as their furrows, too, began to fill with blood.The stuff was dark, almost black. It had a heavy metallic odor suffused with grave spices. One venturesome soul tasted it. His eyes instantly...
··· 一个敢于冒险的人尝试了它的味道。他的眼睛立刻变成了黑色的球形,他的声音变成烟雾一样的低语。Farmer Hovrel drove his spade into the earth and brought up blood. ··· One venturesome soul tasted it. His eyes instantly became pitch-black orbs, his voice a smoky whisper. ...
本吧热帖: 1-震惊!彰显小团体的模式来了 2-warframe社区感觉一潭死水啊,远没有以前有活力了 3-开贴水经验 4-风靡全球的warframe宣布停服 5-每日一氵,无聊了 6-【夜灵狩猎】单人15、18连的经验分享 7-震惊,经验 3 8-漂泊者内源求解 9-芜湖!买买买肝肝肝 10-18462!18462