Solution 2: Restart your console or PC Some report that the only fix that works for them is restarting their console or PC altogether.This userexperienced the chat server error on Xbox One, although a restart only temporarily repaired the issue. Another user in the thread also stated that res...
When trying to merge my PC and PS4 accounts, with my PC account being the primary account as that is what I want, the Warframe website gives me an error of "cross-save.errorOccurred." This has happened to me all day when attempting to merge accounts and I have not seen this er...
Fixed a UI issue that occurred upon spending Focus while also redeeming Brilliant Eidolon Shards for Focus. Fixed Zenurik Energizing Dash not always showing the proper value in the HUD buff when in two bubbles at once. Fixed clients using Transference sometimes getting extra HUD buff icons.Hotfix...
Fixed an issue where having Khora as your last played Warframe in your Profile would cause spot-loading. Fixed a long hitch/freeze that occurred whenever the player was downed into a revival state by Zanuka. Fixed a small hitch during the Awakening Quest tutorial mission when players would ins...
Fixed a script error that could occur when attempting to customize your Drifter in the Orbiter. Fixed Jackal restoring health and spawning enemies for returning players if a host migration occurred during the final finisher of the fight. Fixed becoming invisible and losing physics after dying as...
Fixed a crash when pressing a Gear Hotkey for a slot that has no item. Fixed a crash when attempting to return to Fortuna from Orb Vallis. Fixes towards Rescue Vallis Bounty breaking when a Host migration occurred during the Defense phase. Fixed Boon missing from certain K-Drive race ...
Long-running sci-fi MMOWarframehas just released its biggest update yet, The Duviri Paradox, for free. Jumping into any 10-year-old game can be intimidating, especially anMMO, but developer Digital Extremes say this is the first story-driven update that’s not progre...
Fixed script error that occurred when damaging a Coildrive in the Orb Vallis. Fixed animation in The New War quest during unmasking in Cetus. Fixed the FX on some Amp beams not triggering on impact. Fixed beam rotation FX depending on end point. Fixed an obscure bug with matchmaking between...
Fixed a crash if a Host migration occurred during a Cambion Drift Excavation Bounty. • 修正了吸取的暂息 & 怒气技能的描述问题,说明其效果取决于能量颜色而不是放射颜色。 Fixed the Subsumed Rest & Rage ability description stating its effect is dependent on Energy color rather than Emissive Color....
Fixed a crash that occurred if you opened a locker before the Master Key Parazon Mod triggered. Fixed a script error from Inaros’ Undying Passive. Fixed script crash that could occur from Rhino’s Iron Skin ability. Fixed script crash that could occur from Energy Shell. ...