Part nicknames are community-made terms for ease of referencing. For example, players may say "177" to refer to an Amp that is made ofRaplak Prism,Propa Scaffold, andCertus Brace. Amp An Operator firing their Amp The Eidolon is no common beast of the Plains, and cannot be laid low with...
223/177/746/577/666/777 - 一般指增幅器的命名方式,代号分别为棱镜-支架-曲柄的级别,详见增幅器页面的组件章节。 9999 - 一般指中断9999,也就是打到敌人等级达到等级上限9999。 3k/6k - 指某类战甲或武器,因其性能较弱被认为不值得花费Forma和Orokin催化剂或Orokin反应堆来进一步配装,只需要升满级获取段位经...
The 147 Amp functions identically to the 143 but boasts higher crit stats thanks to the buff from the Certus Brace. The same synergies that apply to the 143 also apply to the 147 but to a greater effect thanks to the higher base stats. The 147 Amp is a good Amp to get if you hate...
223/177/746/577/666/777 - 一般指增幅器的命名方式,代号分别为棱镜-支架-曲柄的级别,详见增幅器页面的组件章节。 9999 - 一般指中断9999,也就是打到敌人等级达到等级上限9999。 3k/6k - 指某类战甲或武器,因其性能较弱被认为不值得花费Forma和Orokin催化剂或Orokin反应堆来进一步配装,只需要升满级获取段位经...