Kronen Prime boasts a great slashing potential, with the second-highest base damage and status chance within all weapons in this category. Looking for more Warframe guides? We got you covered withWarframe – All Vaulted Prime Weapons and WarframesandWarframe Tier List: Best Warframes 2022here ...
The weapons tier list will be 5 tiers. The S tier is the top most and the best, and the D tier is the weapon that you should generally avoid. With that out of the way, let’s get started. Warframe: Primary Weapons Tier List Warframe: S Tier Primary Weapons Acceltra Acceltra Prime ...
同系列武器 激光点发Prime棱晶激光点发 内部名称 /Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/BurstLaserPistol 资料库 点射一小束激光 激光点发是阴影的默认武器。能够进行三连发射击。使用手枪MOD。 该武器能以1,250的价格出售。 入手方法 在获得阴影时自动获得该武器,同时会占用一个同伴槽位。 特性 激光点...
It would be hard to grade each element due to their niche role, so they will not be included in the list. Each of these weapons has its own functions and sub-categories. Defining and explaining how each of these works will help gamers understand the tier list better. Here are all the ...
黑鸦Prime(大气层内) 黑鸦(大气层内) (英文名:Corvas (Atmosphere)) 基本信息 段位需求使用铸造厂生产及玩家间交易这把武器(以可交易为前提)的最低段位要求。1 武器类型决定了这把武器使用何种攻击方式及Mod配置类型曲翼枪械(大气层内) 武器种类决定了这把武器使用何种攻击方式及Mod配置类型霰弹枪 ...
In the case of Warframe’s weapons, there are hundreds of them that it’s almost impossible to sift through each and determine how viable they’ll be for your playthrough. On that part, we’ve got you covered. Here is a list of all weapons in Warframe ranked in tiers. Use this to...
Rubico Prime Bubonico Phenmor Acceltra Ignis Wraith Trumna Tenet Envoy Fulmin All the weapons listed above are currently the most vital weapons players can have; however, even in this list, some are preferred by fans over others. Here are the weapons that are more popular than other S-ranks...
立即将最新的 Prime 武器占为己有。武器组合包内含迅发电浆炮 Prime 步枪、阿利乌双枪 Prime 以及更多精彩物品! 游戏类型 动作射击 特色 单人合作多人支持手柄 Warframe:Gauss Prime Access - 武器组合包 立即解锁全新的 Prime 装备和超值折扣白金! 组合包包含: ...
立即将最新的 Prime 武器占为己有。武器组合包内含逐电 Prime 步枪、翁 Prime 以及更多精彩物品。 游戏类型 动作射击 特色 单人合作多人支持手柄 Warframe:Protea Prime Access - 武器组合包 立即解锁全新的 Prime 装备和超值折扣白金! 组合包包含: 1050 白金 逐电Prime 翁Prime Prime Access 中的 Prime 战甲和...
Warframe Secondary Weapons Tier List If the best of the best doesn’t suit your style, there are plenty of other choices. However, you should still ensure that the ones you want are functional and can be on par with the top guns with minor modifications. Here are all the rankings of ea...