Warframe Akstiletto Prime Build 4 Forma Warframe Akstiletto Prime Mogamu Warframe Akstiletto Prime - 5 Forma thequickdraw 更新历史 夜灵圣所:更新22.12.0 - 段位限制从 5 增加至 10 更新22:夜灵平野 - 修正了史提托双枪Prime的弹匣在装填时浮空的问题。 更新21:Harrow的枷锁 - 分别降低和增加了...
Warframe Akstiletto Prime Build 4 Forma Warframe Akstiletto Prime Mogamu Warframe Akstiletto Prime - 5 Forma thequickdraw 更新历史 夜灵圣所:更新22.12.0 - 段位限制从 5 增加至 10 更新22:夜灵平野 - 修正了史提托双枪Prime的弹匣在装填时浮空的问题。 更新21:Harrow的枷锁 - 分别降低和增加了...
Somehow though because the prime was good like 4 years ago, this weapon has to suffer even in 2020. If plain Akstiletto had at least a 4 dispo we'd be able to squeeze a reliable critical build on using maim, viral 60/60's and primed cc/cd. A Fandom user·3/4/2017 So ugly...
"relics": [ { "_id": "4e4d817f8c2d887316c6d8add253403e", "tier": "Axi", "relicName": "A1", "state": "Intact", "rewards": [ { "_id": "6733cc5298452209aa29dd72027c7df1", "itemName": "Akstiletto Prime Barrel", "chance": 11, "rarity": "Uncommon" }, { ... } ] },...
Akstiletto AkZani Ammo Drum Amphis Angstrum Animal Instinct Ankyros 模板:Arcane 模板:Arcane/doc Archwing 分類:Archwing机体MOD 分類:Archwing枪械MOD 分類:Archwing近战MOD Arrow Mutation 使用者:Arturiaxnight/虛空遺物 Ash Ash/Main Ash/Prime Atlas Atlas/Main ...
新战甲Zephyr新武器PhageI系主武,Jat KittagG系近战,AkstilettoT系副武,Dual Cestras双持cestra新的任务类型,在以前地球移防处hud2.0新的战甲皮肤新的任务类型里可以获得“天赋”mod,就是之前流出的那张警报中加入神器mod“死亡之眼” 13楼2014-02-06 11:34 收起回复 ...
-> 1,1 armes secondaires afuris prime : 0,95 -> 1 akarius : 0,95 -> 1 akarius prime : 0,5 -> 0,6 akstiletto prime : 0,8 -> 0,85 grimoire : 0,55 -> 0,6 onos : 0,5 -> 0,55 zylok prime : 0,65 -> 0,75 armes de mÊlÉe argo & vel : 0,85 -> 0,9 ...
Infested Pangoline Prime = Mire A Fandom user·2/8/2024 My favorite sword. I have no build, no set up. Just simple mods, and this sword f**kin CHEWS through everything. Easily carried me through base star chart, and is still carrying me through sp. No rivens or primed mods needed...
As with each round of Prime Access come updated Riven Disposition numbers, but we have taken a different approach for this update and have postponed Disposition decreases - check the full details here: CURIOSITY VISAGE INK COLLECTION Embrace the spirit of discovery. The Curiosity Visage Ink ...
步槍螺釘步槍(Prime) •布萊頓(MK1,Prime,破壞者) •伯斯頓(Prime) •巴兹火槍•德拉•蛇髮女妖(亡魂) •葛拉卡達•葛恩火槍•雌鹿•卡拉克•拉特昂(Prime,亡魂) •異融量子槍•奥堤克光子槍•附肢寄生者•月神(Prime) •蘇普拉•席芭莉絲•特拉•狂鯊 ...