who prayed for his first-born child with Bathsheba, when it had become ill. The child did not recover. God did not respond to David’s prayer, or to his fast. And so the child died. Can there be anything more heartbreaking than the death of an innocent little baby?
Despite all of that, I speak the truth anyway. But my prayer is that you hear the truth in love. I pray you read this from a heart that longs for you to be free in Christ and for you to step out of the darkness and into the light. ...
So remember that this prayer is addressed to our loving Heavenly Father. He prepares us for the test so that we can pass the test. We never walk an unknown path—we never are given a test unless He has fully prepared us for it.
The first term, prayer, refers to general requests, whereas the second term, supplication (some translations have petitions or requests), is a word for specific prayer needs. So Paul is just calling us to pray for all different types of requests and needs—general and specific. Most Christians...
*“And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our ...
Beautiful lyrics and Elliott’s voice brought these heartsongs to life for us. In particular, our favorite song is his Somebody’s Prayin’. Not surprisingly, he is on staff today at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri. My Mom was a great pray-er, and we, her ...
s the guy that gonna lead this one world revolution Amazing times we live in. I’m super excited and living in total victory and peace. Once again thank you for the time you put in your reward in heaven will truly be great. Looking...
A PUNTERS PRAYER A PUPPET ASYLUM A QUIET PASSION A Room to Die For A Screenwriters Journey To Success A Sense of Dread A Sense of Dread: Getting Under the Skin of Horror A Shadow In The Dark A SMALL FORTUNE A SONG FOR JULIETTE A SONG FOR US A SPACE IN TIME A TH...
Self-pity Songs of praise Ephesians 5:19-20 Sexual immorality Sexual purity I Thes. 4:3 Suicide Life purpose John 10:10 Unfaithfulness Loyalty Mat. 25:41 Using others Sacrificing for others I Cor. 13:4-7 Worry Rest Matthew 11:28-29 The Battle is the Lord's The Bible says in I Samu...
us. We get our strength from worshipping Jesus and praising Him and singing songs to Him and praying in tongues and reading the Word of God. So whenever we are in a battle and we feel weak we take time to worship our Lord and Savior, read His Word, pray in tongues, and do ...