The unit arrived damaged on the left rack mount. It's completely bent from being dropped. It wasn't packed securely as the box had a hole in it from the unit breaking it. Thankfully, the unit is working fine. PLC never acknowledged the damage and said that they are happy the unit wo...
Steering Rack Step Bumper Strut Bellows Strut Mount Struts Sunroof Handle Sunroof Motor Sunroof Seal Suspension Kit Sway Bar Bushing Sway Bar Link Tail Light Covers Tail Light Guards Tailgate Tailgate Handle Tailgate Net Tailgate Strut Thermostat ...
26. We need people who can work at ourwarehousesorting and packing items to be delivered to families, repair donated furniture and more. 我们需要能够在我们的仓库工作的人,他们可以分拣和包装被送到各个家庭的物品,修理捐赠的家具等等。 youdao
me take the mattress without a luggage rack on my car. (I have a Subaru which can take a mattress if tied down!) They then decide to tell me, "we are not allowed to let you take it without the rack - you must pay for delivery" (There is NOTHING POSTED at the warehouse or ...