We thank the students, Pascale Conard and the Athens network, and Begga Willems and theDe Klare Bron. Thanks also to Wout Gastmans, Geneviève Laureys, Annelies Mannaerts, Pieter Vandekerckhove, and Elfi Van der Borght for sharing their expertise. We received support fromKom op Tegen Kanker....
Van der Stam, J.A.; Mestrom, E.H.J.; Scheerhoorn, J.; Jacobs, F.; de Hingh, I.H.J.T.; van Riel, N.A.W.; Boer, A.K.; Scharnhorst, V.; Nienhuijs, S.W.; Bouwman, R.A. Accuracy of Vital Parameters Measured by a Wearable Patch Following Major Abdominal Cancer Surgery....