The Big Dig: Traitor’s Rest is bugged in that it will not give any tasks beyond the first one. And when I had that first task, it did not track what it was in the actual tracker (but I was able to figure it out based on …
GameSpy: You’ve just made the big announcement that Sam Raimi will be directing the Warcraft movie. You’re co-producing, so what are your thoughts on the announcement? Chris Metzen: We’re all very, very excited about the announcement. We waited a long time to...
“This booming coastal city is run by Baron Revilgaz of the Blackwater Raiders. Mortal enemies of the Bloodsail Buccaneers and part of the Steamwheedle Cartel.”
I am continuing to make slow progress in World of Warcraft as I push through The War Within on my Pandaria Remix Dark Iron Dwarf. If nothing else it has given me quite possibly my new favorite transmog. I’ve started the second zone which is considerably cooler than the first one was. ...
Rune Engraving is a new system for Season of Discovery. It allows each class to tailor their gameplay experience by unlocking new unique abilities! In this guide you'll find all of the runes that are currently available for Rogues in Phase 6 of SoD as we
Commander of the Dead (Dark Arbiter) Dark Transformation also empowers your Dark Arbiter and Army of the Dead for 30 sec, increasing their damage by 35%. 45%. Commander of the Dead Dark Arbiter: Dark Transformation also empowers your Dark Arbiter and Army of the Dead for 30 sec, increasi...
The big Horde city on Kalimdor I was struck by how much it resembled Qeynos back in oldEQ… at least the flat, walled front of it. Being Poor Really an aside, but I somehow always manage to forget how poor you are when you start off inWoW Classic. I know, there isa whole post he...
Throughout the course of The Big Bang Theory, Simon Helberg’s Howard underwent major development as a character, especially in terms of his love life. Moreover, despite his dark past, he was the first among his friends to tie the knot, and his newfound maturity after his marriage with Be...
In Patch 11.1's Liberation of Undermine raid, Stix Junkbuster is a unique boss with a mechanic similar to the Katamari Damacy video game. You start on a small Rolling Rubbish ball and have to roll over garbage piles until your Rolling Rubbish is big enough to deal with other mechanics!
It’s a big year for the Warcraft universe, and whether you’re a Hearthstone fan, you’ve joined the chaos in Warcraft Rumble, ventured into the world of Azeroth for the first time in Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, or you’re a World of Warcraft player, the