Warcraft RumbleNon-computer Board Games The Board Game † Expansion † WoW: The Board Game † Shadow of War † BlizzCon Epic Armor Pack † The Burning Crusade † Scion of Darkness † WoW: The Adventure Game † Monopoly: WoW Collector's Edition WoW: Trivial Pursuit Small World...
StarCraft is a military science fiction franchise owned by Blizzard Entertainment. It is most notable for the real-time strategy games StarCraft and StarCraft II. Historically, there has been overlap between the StarCraft and Warcraft playerbases—a player might start with one IP, then shift to ...
[1-70] Rumblerock the Elder in Burning Steppes [1-70] Dawnstrider the Elder in Flame Crest [1-70] Highpeak the Elder in The Hinterlands [1-70] Ironband the Elder in Searing Gorge [1-70] Graveborn the Elder in Brill [1-70] Obsidian the Elder in The Sepulcher [1-70] Windrun the...
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Shadowprey Village is a port located on the southern end of the coast of Desolace. Primarily a troll fishing village, Shadowprey is also a travel node for Horde adventurers. It lies along the Sar'theris Strand, south of the Valley of Spears. Nearby a representative of the Cenarion Circle...
The Lunar Festival is a time of celebration. The people of Azeroth celebrate their triumph of many thousands of years ago, when an alliance of good races (the night elves, tauren, furbolgs, and earthen) defeated a terrible evil called the Burning Legion.