Warcraft Logs Companion Upload your combat log. Analyze your raid. Improve your play. The official companion app to Warcraft Logs is now available on the Overwolf platform. The app allows World of Warcraft players to easily upload combat logs, either live during play or after a dungeon or rai...
Warcraft Logs CompanionFree Upload your combat log. Analyze your raid. Improve your play.Download App BUFFFree Play your favorite games >>> Earn Buffs >>> Redeem them on IRL items: Riot Points, Steam Credit, gaming gear and more!Download App WOWTBC Take your Burn...
An update on the features introduced in the Warcraft Logs 9.2 Sepulcher of the First Ones update. (WoW - TWW)
In order to upload logs to the website, you need to use a client application. We have two options, either the Warcraft Logs Uploader or the Overwolf Companion app. The Warcraft Logs Uploader is a simpler version, which requires very little setup. Read more about the Uploader in our help...
New Talent: Solitary Companion – Your pet damage is increased by 35% and your pet’s size is increased by 10%. Developers' notes: Our vision for Beast Mastery's fantasy is tied to Animal Companion, but for players who would like to opt-in to solo-pet Beast Mastery, this talent should...
Code Issues Pull requests A cross-platform application built to provide the missing link between Wago.io and World of Warcraft electron warcraft vue electron-app world-of-warcraft electron-vue weakauras wago vite weakauras-companion Updated Dec 6, 2024 Vue ben...
And you just know Blizzard would give us cool fish-themed mounts or maybe a narwhal battle companion that smashes people with its horn. Honestly, if Tuskarr were a playable race, none of us would care about these nerfs. Fury could be doing negative DPS and we’d all still be happy, ...
Logout - Logs the user out of the game. Quit - Quits the game, not the Lua script. RandomRoll(low, high) - Does a random roll between the two values. SetPVP(arg1) - Sets the players PVP mode (1 to enable, nil to toggle off eventually) PROTECTED SitStandOrDescendStart() - The ...
Here's and example for low level Hunters, while playing without a pet companion take advantage of interrupt. It attempts to step back for a maximum 3000ms duration however this can be interrupted either losing the current target the next Auto Shot coming in 500ms This 500ms duration is the...