Wiki Team27 November 2023 Drones Drones, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV), are vehicles that are controlled remotely and as such do not have a pilot inside. With their introduction in Update "Drone Age", drones are now an available asset ...
Wiki Team 27 November 2023 Drones Drones, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV), are vehicles that are controlled remotely and as such do not have a pilot inside. With their introduction in Update "Drone Age", drones are now an available as...
结果是 AKD-9,它在直-9W和直-10上被广泛使用。AKD-9 的外贸版本称为“BA-9”,其在2016年珠海航展上首次亮相,同时展出了用于无人机的更轻的 BA-7 用于无人战斗机(UCAV)。BA-9 目前没有海外客户,其国内版本由于性能不佳,现在正在耗尽库存。AKD-9/-10 都将被新的 CM-502KG 空对地导弹取代。
["ucav_mq_1_predator/long"]="MQ-1", ["ucav_orion/long"]="猎户座", ["ucav_wing_loong_i/long"]="翼龙 I", ["a_10a_early/long"]="A-10A 雷电 II 早期型", ["a_10a_late/long"]="A-10A 雷电 II 后期型", ["a_10c/long"]="A-10C 雷电 II", ["a-20g/long"]="A-20G-...