War Thunder Wiki: Short Guides Competition A well-trained ally doesn’t make obvious mistakes in battle. They are an asset, and instead, will aid you in your path to victory. How might one hope for a well-trained ally? Well, your ally’s best teacher could be you after you’ve partic...
War Thunder Video14 August 2024 Panthers: Steel Cats Every military history buff knows this name: “Panther”. After all, it was one of the very first jets available to the US Navy and an iconic aircraft of the Korean War era. Or are you thinking of another Panther? Ah yes: the French...
War Thunder Wiki 617 pages Explore War Thunder Community English Home View source Welcome to the War Thunder is an free-to-play MMO combat simulator dedicated to mid-20th century military aviation, armored vehicles, and naval vessel combat. You will take part in all of the major combat bat...
在每个月月末,官方的建议区版主会从中选取部分建议,并且整理出来,为了方便各位更加清楚地了解社区卫星,特此将卫星以科技树的形式搬运到我们的中文Wiki。 快速入口 载具图鉴 载具 乘员技能 武器 弹药 模块和改装件 破坏机制 击杀奖励机制 控制 游戏机制 平衡机制 游戏模式 世界大战 地图和任务 货币和研发点 市场 成...
English Belarusian Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Czech French German Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Polish Brazilian Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Spanish Turkish Ukrainian Network•Link Multiplayer types•Link TypeNativePlayersNotes Local playUseNucleus-Coop Unofficial mod. ...
在每个月月末,官方的建议区版主会从中选取部分建议,并且整理出来,为了方便各位更加清楚地了解社区卫星,特此将卫星以科技树的形式搬运到我们的中文Wiki。 快速入口 载具图鉴 载具 乘员技能 武器 弹药 模块和改装件 破坏机制 击杀奖励机制 控制 游戏机制 平衡机制 游戏模式 世界大战 地图和任务 货币和研发点 市场 成...
说明 本站点 目前所有内容均翻译自WarThunder中 如有错误 请勿直接修改 请将错误的地方留言 站内所有内系原创 转载请联系管理员 并征得原作者同意 汉化翻译 人员名单(排名不分先后) yuno C帥 JGR_RusherJe solamnia 流星(コアラ )孤独战鹰RLH 命运ゥ Aotobus bravo 伊拉剋難民 ...
战争雷霆(英语:War Thunder)旧称飞机世界、空战世界,(World of Planes}}是一款在2012年推出的线上战斗飞行类游戏,由Gaijin Entertainment公司所开发,发表于Microsoft Windows、Mac OS X以及PlayStation 4平台上,目前该游戏仍在公开测试中。亚洲服务器于2014年4月22日登场,也会有账号回绑的活动 ...
Well, your ally’s best teacher could be you after you’ve participated in the short guides competition from the War Thunder Wiki team! From the 7th of June until 23:59 GMT on the 30th of June Explain to newcomers about well-known mechanics in the game using the format of short videos...
armoured vehicles. We are constantly working on adding more units to the game. New updates with modern prototypes and with models of vehicles from both WWII and the Cold War periods are released regularly. You can find the list of all currently available vehicles at wiki-page:wiki.warthunder....