War Thunder - Su-25K Bundle War Thunder - Su-25K Pack SG$87.00 War Thunder 免费+ 详细显示 功能 联机多人游戏 (2-32)在线合作 (2-8) Xbox 状态 Xbox 俱乐部 介绍 本特惠包包含: Su-25K (苏联 6 级); 15天高级帐户特权; 2000 只金鹰. 苏-25K 是苏联于上世纪 80 年代研发的苏-25 对地攻击...
War Thunder - Su-25K Pack Gaijin Distribution Kft•Actie en avontuur•Schieten Vereist een game KOPEN € 59,99 PEGI 12 Geweld Voor deze inhoud is een game vereist (afzonderlijk verkrijgbaar). Online multiplayer op console vereist Xbox Game Pass Ultimate of Xbox Game Pass Core (apart verkr...
The ground attack variants of the MiG-21 and MiG-23 lacked sufficient armour, cockpit visibility, and ground ordnance for heavy ground attack missions, whereas the Su-7 and older variants of the Su-17 were deemed "obsolete" and did not meet the requirements of the Red Army. As a result,...
本特惠包包含: Su-25K (蘇聯 6 級); 15天高級帳戶特權; 2000 隻金鷹. 蘇-25K 是蘇聯於上世紀 80 年代研發的蘇-25 對地攻擊機的出口型號。這款戰機參加過多場戰爭,例如 80 年代的兩伊戰爭和 90 年代的海灣戰爭。蘇-25K 在戰鬥中表現優異,也因此,保加利亞,伊朗和伊拉克至今仍在使用這款戰機。蘇-25K 的...
War Thunder - Su-25K (中日英韩文版) 全球玩家评价 4.00平均评价4颗星(满分5颗星,21个评价) 21个评价 48% 29% 10% 10% 游戏和法律信息 这个包包括: - Su-25K(6级苏联); - 2000 金鹰; - 15 天的高级帐户。 苏-25K 是苏联于上世纪 80 年代研发的苏-25 对地攻击机的出口型号。这款战机参加过多...
War Thunder - Su-25K Global player ratings 3.44Average rating 3.44 stars out of five stars from 9 ratings 9 ratings 44% 22% 0% 0% 33% Game and Legal Info This pack includes: - Su-25K (Rank 6 USSR); - 2000 Golden Eagles;
Su-25K (War Thunder) by KojfDiscord 3D Loading 3D modelModel is too heavy for your device and can not be rendered properlyModel Inspector 00:00.00 x0.1 x0.5 x1 x2
War Thunder - SU-22M4 Pack 69,99 € War Thunder - Leopard 2A4M CAN Pack 69,99 € War Thunder - Su-25K Pack 59,99 € War Thunder - Japanese Starter Pack 9,99 € War Thunder - British Starter Pack 9,99 € War Thunder - MiG-21 Bison Pack 74,99 € War Thunder - Mirage F1C-...
War Thunder Video23 November 2023 Su-25K | Flying tank With the rapid development of jet aircraft in the 1950s, interest in slow aircraft decreased worldwide. The focus was now on high-speed fighter-bombers. However, the Vietnam War quickly showed that Phantoms and MiGs were incapable of ef...