【CSGO】音乐盒(StatTrak™) | Spongebob —海绵宝宝 抢先体验 7.6万 78 7:07 App 【CS2音乐盒】音乐盒|Nexon-Blue Archive(StatTrak™) 41万 326 6:53 App 【整活】终于来了!CS2全新音乐盒:Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal(StatTrak™) 28.4万 582 1:43 App 音乐盒(StatTrak™) | IKun - ...
There was a discrepancy between the number of rounds in the X-ray and in the stat card. The first-stage ammunition has been reduced by two rounds, from 16 to 14. Sholef— the first-stage ammo stowage mechanic has been added. Gun reload time has been set to 7.5s for the first two...
Z15 Erich Steinbrinck— the year of modification in the stat card has been changed to the project. Interface An additional alarm when there is a fire in ammunition magazines have been added. If any of the cellars catch fire or receive fire damage, an additional siren is triggered, which di...
The battle rating of every vehicle can be found at the top of its stat card or in the lower-right corner of its icon in the Research screen. To check the vehicle’s BR in different game modes, select the appropriate mode using the drop-down menu in the lower-right corner of the Rese...
The battle rating of every vehicle can be found at the top of its stat card or in the lower-right corner of its icon in the Research screen. To check the vehicle’s BR in different game modes, select the appropriate mode using the drop-down menu in the lower-right corner of the Rese...
The “long” names (the ones in a vehicle’s stat card) of some of the Italian vehicles have been corrected. The “long” names (the ones in a vehicle’s stat card) of some of the Chinese vehicles have been expanded. The firing accuracy of 122 mm guns D-25T, A-19S, D-25S, ...
StatTrak杰瑞 1/39 UP主的全部视频 77播放 War Thunder 2024.04.11 - 78播放 露头就秒 111播放 War Thunder 2024.01.19 - 72播放 什么是需要 150播放 不适合的真的合适吗 140播放 还得是你 1播放 周末从书城开始 2播放 ...
Prex Card of Gauss Prex Cards are cards that depict an artwork of a Warframe. Prex Cards are found mostly in the Leverian, with each Warframe's gallery having its own unique Prex Card to find. These cards will only show up in the gallery once a player has leveled up the appropriate ...
statshark教你破除谣言,基于玩家在discord和qq中和类似于隔壁天天的wows me recent得出的数据。可以看出其数据远比要自己手动提交数据的wt data“温和”的多,哪怕最强的a7v和阵风在足够大的数据下kd都没有冲破2,绝大部分载具kd在小于1附近徘徊,更能反应绝大多数玩家和实际游戏体验。 话说回来,可以看出法陆顶级胜率...
Stat Stick Typically refers to a weapon modded to boost the power of pseudo-exalted abilities like Landslide or Whipclaw. As a more general term, stat stick can refer to things modded to boost the power of a separate thing, such as a Sentinel weapon equipped with the Vigilante mod set all...