Influencing the front line during a battle: if, as the result of a shift in the front line, an airfield ends up within territory controlled by the enemy team, this airfield will cease to function. If, due to another shift in the front line, this airfield ends up back within allied terr...
LOW 01 Nov 2017 China practices bombing runs targeting Guam [Defense News] LOW 21 Oct 2017 China eyes Pakistani port [Washington Free Beacon] LOW 10 Oct 2017 US Navy destroyer sails near islands claimed by China in South China Sea [Reuters] LOW 06 Oct 2017 Chinese military expanding bas...
To be fair, I’ll probably switching to Aces of Thunder as soon as it drops anyway - I already play in VR so that should be more of an even playing field - but it would be a shame to lose the game mode and it is a shame that it is so neglected right now. ...
Airfield models have been changed to a new 1700 metres long model. AI vehicle counters have been disabled. In fact, previously they duplicated the victory point lines, but might not depict the actual required number of vehicles for victory, for example when bombing zones were destroyed. ...
The SBD-3 is a nice aircraft to fly, a good introduction to dive bombing in the U.S. tree, and its versatility against air and ground targets makes it a very useful part of any War Thunder line-up. Author: John “Zoso” Moore ...
Strategically important, the Allies held Guadalcanal and the vital airfield from which they now threatened Japanese positions in the upper Solomon Islands, New Guinea, and even the major IJN base at Rabaul. Invasion of North Africa (Nov 1942). Even as the battle for Guadalcanal raged in the ...
4 September 1954 A Republic of China Air Force P-47N Thunderbolt (369) crashed while on a bombing mission in Kinmen, People's Republic of China. The pilot was killed.9 September 1954 Bulgarian fighter pilot Ilia Elensky intercept and fired upon an unknown intruder, at night. The plane ...
weusedourartillerytodamagetheairfield. 这样我们就有时间调动防御力量 Thatway,wegainedtimetomovethedefenseforces 阻止敌人入侵基辅了 toblocktheenemyfrominvadingKyiv. 如果俄军能够在那一刻取得成功 HadtheRussianmilitarybeenabletosucceedinthatmoment, 那将能够使其把最精锐的部队 itwouldhavebeenabletodeliveritsmost...
While the British directed much of their new bombing strength to attacks on the bases of the U-boats, the Germans used theirs largely to continue the offensive against the towns of southeastern England. On June 13, 1917, in daylight, 14 German bombers dropped 118 high explosive bombs on Lond...
Women Airforce Service PilotsThree Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) walking on the flight line at Laredo Army Airfield in Laredo, Texas,c.1943. In September 1942 Love organized the Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS), and more than two dozen of the country’s best female civilian...