Thunderdrum 雷鼓 保留 蜘蛛山谷 填弹器 Tombfinger 墓指 保留 蜘蛛山谷 枪膛 Zip 速力 呼啸 蜘蛛山谷 填弹器 Zipfire 速火 啸火 蜘蛛山谷 填弹器 Zipneedle 速针 飞针 蜘蛛山谷 填弹器 MOD 由于大部分情况下国服和国际服MOD名字相同,下列仅列出不相同的部分。 相关说明:MOD 在国服的中文名称叫“振...
gamewysiwyg-editorwar-thundercustom-sights UpdatedOct 23, 2024 Java morganwall/War-Thunder-Offset-Dumper Star22 Simple Internal War Thunder Sig Scanner and Offset Dumper. internalscannerwarthunderoffsetswar-thunder UpdatedMar 10, 2023 C++ NickHMetzler/War-Thunder-Air-Bot ...
Ever found yourself watching Skyrim TikToks at 2am with no end in sight? If you can relate, you might have stumbled upon some videos made by today’s modder and video game industry hero: Jared Alexander! When he’s not working his day job on the socials of Sea of Thieves over at Ra...
Hawk_Eye 隼目 隼目 主武器MOD 步槍MOD Infected_Clip 污染弹匣 污染彈匣 主武器MOD 步槍MOD Kinetic_Ricochet 动力回弹 動力回彈 主武器MOD 武器專屬MOD Laser_Sight 雷射瞄具 雷射瞄具 主武器MOD 霰彈槍MOD Magazine_Warp 弹匣增幅 彈匣增幅 主武器MOD 步槍MOD Nano-Applicator 纳米涂覆 奈米塗覆 主武器MOD...
So, don’t be afraid to log on every day, even if you don’t want to play at all. Hell, there’s not even a single task in the game that you have to do daily aside from just opening War Thunder Mobile and then dipping. Quite an understanding game, don’t you think?
官方涂装网: 作者:M4A1_MOD3(沃桑德账号) 空调太郎 6-2 67 湊阿库娅 阿夸爆2A5/A6涂装 樱花星辉 1楼防吞 SylvanaswindMX 2-22 342 战雷涂装中文网建设已基本完成!国人制作的涂装站欢迎大家来玩! 被格式化... 网站由站长我和大股东JxQC大佬同其他几...
召唤霹雳(Call Thunderbolt)——攻击或反击时,每个兵种个体有 30% 的几率额外召唤一道闪电辅助攻击(相当于额外对目标使用了一次P值为触发数量的【霹雳/Thunderbolt】魔法)。 R4:未升级就拥有两个及以上的特技,且升级体可以同时选择两个特技。 【比蒙/Behemoth】→【野蛮比蒙/Brutal Behemoth】 ...
In aircraft and helicopter, HUD colors of all types of sights (missile, cannon, bomb) depend on the option of the sight color selected in the settings of the corresponding type of vehicle. When selecting the control preset in the control settings, help/hint will be shown for it. ...
Line of Sight can be implemented into an ability in one or two ways. A render check simply determines if the enemy can be seen in your field of view. A raycast check sends 3 lines from your character to all enemies in range, hitting their head, chest, and foot area; if any of thos...
Do you hear that? It's the War Thunder! It's back with another huge upgrade named "Red Skies" which comes with plenty of new toys to play with across different nations. When it comes to new vehicles there's around 30 of them spread across aircraft, ground vehicles, helicopters and navy...