"Favoring thunder, lightning and cratered-out areas Bolarolas are all about defense. Their armored plates protect them from most predators, tucking-and-rolling to make good their escape."Bolarolas are covered in an armored plating that neutralizes tranquilizing shots. Only their underbellies are ...
Fixed the Thunderbolt Mod causing self-damage to Ivara when equipped on her Artemis Bow. Fixed a small area in Deimos where a player could fall out of the world. Fixed context action for a Zariman Mobile Defense terminal being misaligned. Fixed ability to freely move the camera through...
mechanic measurable md mc mayer mattered mathematically maternal materially mat mastered martian martha marshes marsden marrow marquis marker manuals manu manor manifestly mania maneuver mando mammalian mahzeer's maguire magnums madrigal machinist ma'am lyttleton lynn lyford luther lush lurched lullaby ...
Orders allow you to receive increased rewards for performing certain actions in battle. For example, the AAA order triples the Silver Lion amount received for destroying aircraft. However, in light of the recently introduced Severe Damage mechanic to the game, this order did not work as intended...
Wait where did the severe damage mechanic for planes go to am i missing something?? Sheeeeshhhh 30 January 2024 5 TheEaglez, yes, where is this mechanic, i have been waiting since last year Justus_Invictus 30 January 2024 6 TheEaglez, I guess it got shot-down Wikiadox 30 January...
Additionally, the BMP-3 is subject to the overpressure mechanic, so it will often be destroyed instantly when a large-calibre HE round detonates next to it. There are some empty spaces in the BMP-3 like the fuel tank in the front or the area in the back above the engine (where ...
Since the addition of the "active scouting" mechanic, light tanks have the ability to report the position of enemy vehicles to allies. When fulfilling the role of scouting in this vehicle, find a position that is concealed, but that gives a clear view sight of the battlefield. This is ...
The airfield positioning mechanic has been improved, affecting all types of missions (air, ground etc). There should now be far fewer situations where the airfield is located on a prominent hill. However if such airfields are still found, please create a bug report indicating their position. ...
New award for ground vehicles has been added - “Firefighter” - granted for fire fighting assistance to an ally, a new game mechanic. Interface Vehicle and mission type filter has been added to the mission creation in custom battles.