29 Ken Salmon kindly sent me a nice little gift today, a Lisbon Maru calendar for 2025! 26 The Battle of Hong Kong Spatial History Project posted a New Book Announcement: “‘Exposed Outpost: Revisiting the Battle of Hong Kong 1941’ is tentatively scheduled for release on August 15th 2024...
The announcements about any upcoming battles will be published in the calendar of the “WW2 Chronicles“. You can also follow the evolution of the chronicles event daily in the Event tab - WW2 chronicles. Visit the Calendar to see the current Event! Frequently Asked Questions How many Ground E...
date once all events in the season have been completed. now, it will display the last day in the month of the season once you’ve completed it. also fixed the wrong date appearing on the desk calendar in a spoiler location. fixed the ™ tag not properly displaying on the scooticle ...
PreWarCar - All about the antique car - The daily magazine & marketplace dedicated to the pre 1940 car. pre-war car, automobile, motorcar avant guerre, vorkriegs wagen
Mars also gave his name to the third month in the Roman calendar, Martius, from which English "March" derives. In the most ancient Roman calendar, Martius was the first month. The planet Mars was named for him, and in some allegorical and philosophical writings, the planet and the ...
THUNDERBOLTS from the heavens? What have you, the world…or U.S. done to repent? YES, Roe vs. Wade was repealed…its now back to the states…and many of them are attempting to work around it! As are schools with CRT and ‘the groomers’ BS, with many corporations still ‘virtue ...
calendar brooklyn arise appointment african advantages zero worn women's wings wherever weekend ward voted victim veteran valued utterly trustees traders theological sweat suspicion surrounding surplus suite slept shayne shaped seventeen seconds scope scholars scattered rushed restrictions responses reserved ...