Welcome to the War Thunder Wiki! War Thunder is a cross-platform military online game for Windows and Linux PC, Mac, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S dedicated to combat aircraft, ground vehicles and naval forces. Here you can learn about the game mechanics and how to use the ...
War Thunder - СтартовыйнаборБритании Глобальныеоценкиигроков 3.99Средняяоценка: 3.99 изпятизвезднаосновании 114 оценок оценки: 114 ...
Play War Thunder Mobile on your phone! Learn more Register now! Download game System Requirements For PC For MAC For Linux Minimum OS: Windows 10 (64 bit) Processor: Dual-Core 2.2 GHz Memory: 4GB Video Card: DirectX 11 level video card: AMD Radeon 77XX / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660...
War Thunder will provide PS4 players with unparalleled first person gameplay entertainment experiences that allows them to enter into action filled, highly explosive World War II battles from the air, mobilized on the ground or out at sea. Gaijin Entertainment will optimize the potent power of PS...
PS4 Pro Enhanced DUALSHOCK 4 vibration View All Violence In-Game Purchases, Users Interact Editions: War Thunder - USSR Starter Bundle PS4PS5 T-126 (Rank 1 USSR); Zhukovsky's I-153-M62 (Rank 1 USSR); 120.000 Silver Lions; Premium Account for 7 days. ...
最新消息,由俄罗斯游戏开发商Gaijin Entertainment开发的二战题材飞行射击游戏《战争雷霆(War Thunder)》(原名:空战世界,War Thunder: World of Planes)正式宣布加入PS4首发游戏阵营,并公布了震撼预告与首批
战争雷霆 War Thunder补充完善游戏资料 类型: 游戏 / 飞行模拟 / 动作 / 大型多人在线 平台: PC / Mac / PS4 / Xbox One / PS5 / XSX 别名: World of Planes / 魔法雷霆 开发商: Gaijin Entertainment 发行商: Gaijin Entertainment 发行日期: 2013-06-30 豆瓣评分 8.4 1185人评价 5星 ...
War Thunder — Fiat G.91 R/4 (英文版) HK$420 extensionDLC remove advertising notifications Alert favorite Like add_circle To Lib visibility_off Hide War Thunder — German Beginner's Pack (中日英韩文版) HK$38 extensionDLC notifications Alert favorite Like add_circle To Lib visibility...
《雷霆之战》将开发PS4版 可与PC版跨平台对战 Gaijin Entertainment旗下以二战为题材的免费战争网游《雷霆之战(War Thunder)》在今日科隆游戏的展前记者会上宣布,不久将推出PS4版本,带领PS4粉丝进入震撼的二次大战世界,并提供PS4与PC玩家跨平台多人对战。
最新消息,由俄罗斯游戏开发商Gaijin Entertainment开发的二战题材飞行射击游戏《战争雷霆(War Thunder)》(原名:空战世界,War Thunder: World of Planes)正式宣布加入PS4首发游戏阵营,并公布了震撼预告与首批游戏截图,日本战机确认参战,而中国战机似乎因历史条件不能出现。不过毕竟是款虚拟游戏,此后还“一切皆有可能”。