Welcome to the War Thunder Wiki! War Thunder is a cross-platform military online game for Windows and Linux PC, Mac, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S dedicated to combat aircraft, ground vehicles and naval forces. Here you can learn about the game mechanics and how to use the ...
楼主其实可以去PC上玩~这游戏在PC上操作方便的多~而且PC和PS4玩家是在同一个服务器里~ 来自Android客户端12楼2015-01-12 17:35 收起回复 zzw 赛博朋克 13 可以和pc玩家一起玩 来自Android客户端13楼2015-01-12 17:36 收起回复 midsummeracg 对马之魂 14 ...
War Thunder - СтартовыйнаборБритании Глобальныеоценкиигроков 3.99Средняяоценка: 3.99 изпятизвезднаосновании 114 оценок оценки: 114 ...
Start your engines, call your friends — tank football is back in War Thunder for 2025! 35 24 February 2025 Get Strasbourg in the Raider Hunter Event! It’s time to hunt raiders! It was precisely for their attacks on Allied transport ships that the German Deutschland-class heavy cruiser...
源:http://www.gamechup.com/war-thunder-dev-ps4-gpu-is-40-more-powerful-than-xbox-one-gpu/翻译: Gaijin Entertainment坦率地承认,PS4 GPU比Xbox ONE的强大40%。虽然我们已经对于两台主机规格知道已久,但微软并没有确认X1的GPU规格。目前PS4 GPU有1.84万亿次浮点运算能力,而相比X1为1.3万亿次浮点运算...
PS4 Pro Enhanced DUALSHOCK 4 vibration View All Violence In-Game Purchases, Users Interact Editions: War Thunder - USSR Starter Bundle PS4PS5 T-126 (Rank 1 USSR); Zhukovsky's I-153-M62 (Rank 1 USSR); 120.000 Silver Lions; Premium Account for 7 days. ...
最新消息,由俄罗斯游戏开发商Gaijin Entertainment开发的二战题材飞行射击游戏《战争雷霆(War Thunder)》(原名:空战世界,War Thunder: World of Planes)正式宣布加入PS4首发游戏阵营,并公布了震撼预告与首批游戏截图,日本战机确认参战,而中国战机似乎因历史条件不能出现。不过毕竟是款虚拟游戏,此后还“一切皆有可能”。
Yes, you can. On PS4 Pro, the game supports 4K, as well as hi-res shadows and lighting (HDR). How to make sure you're launching a native PlayStation 5 version of War Thunder Players who previously owned War Thunder on the PS4 have access to both versions of the game on their Pla...
最新消息,由俄罗斯游戏开发商Gaijin Entertainment开发的二战题材飞行射击游戏《战争雷霆(War Thunder)》(原名:空战世界,War Thunder: World of Planes)正式宣布加入PS4首发游戏阵营,并公布了震撼预告与首批