While there are a lot of military games out there, only a few put as much focus on military vehicles as War Thunder does. Instead of just focusing on tanks, the game also lets players get on the bridge of ships, as well as the cockpit of fighter planes. Players can choose from over...
You’ll unlock more vehicles as you progress while earning experience or purchasing in-game currency to upgrade their stats and features. Just in its sheer number of tanks, planes, and ships available to play, War Thunder’s wealth of content is bound to have something to offer. ...
The War Thunder airplane models were always better than the World of Warplanes models and gameplay is better too. The tank decals can be used on the planes and vice versa. They have a lot of very cool airplanes in the game, planes I haven’t seen in other games. They have all the ca...
Why are Japanese planes usually forgotten? Can we talk about the AMX-A1's arsenal? #youtube #videos #ShootingRange — 1 War Thunder Video 24 July 2024 Panavia Tornado: Common Cause Building your own warplanes was always prohibitively expensive, but it became even more difficult after ...
Suffren, Colbert, Emile Bertin— the models of used seaplanes have been added to the catapults. Bretagne— the display of textures inside of the barrels of the main caliber guns has been fixed. Vauquelin— railings at the stern of the ship have been removed as they were in the way of ...
“edge”. I can only guess how broken a premium tank will be in a mobile app of war thunder…regardless, if you’re looking for a game to pass time, or someone like me, who just enjoys the feel of war thunder and gameplay, then you’ll enjoy this. Tank driving controls though, ...
Do you hear that? It's the War Thunder! It's back with another huge upgrade named "Red Skies" which comes with plenty of new toys to play with across different nations. When it comes to new vehicles there's around 30 of them spread across aircraft, ground vehicles, helicopters and navy...
While hydroplanes were present in War Thunder prior to Update "Winged Lions", all were standalone aircraft present in the tech tree that could be piloted in air battles by the player. Shipboard reconnaissance aircraft allow large bluewater ships to utilize their plane catapults to send scout pla...
This massively multiplayer WW2 combat game effortlessly encompasses all of the explosions and excitement that planes and tanks are capable of. Not sure where to start? Our War Thunder tips will help point your tank’s cannon in the right direction. If you’re looking for war games that put ...
After your feedback and suggestions, we would like to show you the development roadmap of War Thunder for the next few months. These are not all the changes and suggestions that we would like to introduce to the game according to your wishes and comments