Este Pacote Inclui: Object 120 'Taran' (Rank 5 URSS); Conta premium para 15 dias; 2000 Golden Eagles. No início dos anos 60, a liderança soviética requisitou a construção de uma máquina capaz de atingir qualquer alvo inimigo a partir de distâncias elevadas. Um índice “objec...
索引 “object 120” 和“塔蘭”(“破城槌”)開發代碼被分配給全新自行火砲單位。 “Object 120” 擁有九米的火砲,能夠從 3 公里處至少穿過 300 毫米的甲板!裝彈流程進行了部分機械化,以確保高射速。此外,值得注意的是,與眾多蘇式自行榴彈砲不同,“Object 120” 擁有旋轉砲塔,速度也很有優勢(高達 63 km/h...
In the 1960s, Soviet concern over the effectiveness of the T-54/55 and T-10 tanks against the newest enemy tanks caused them to put more research into tank armament and shells for better firepower. Object 120 was one such result, considered one of the mo
War Thunder - Object 120 (英文版) 全球玩家评价 5.00平均评价1颗星(满分5颗星,1个评价) 1个评价 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 游戏和法律信息 本优惠包包含 Object 120 "Taran" (苏联 5 级); 在2000金鹰币; 高级帐户为15天. 所有高级载具都能让你每次作战获得更多的研发点数和银狮币,这些载具并配备所有可用的...
War Thunder - Object 120 (英文版) 全球玩家的評分 1個評分 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 遊戲和法律資訊 本優惠包包含: Object 120「Taran」(蘇聯 5 級); 2000金鷹幣; 15天高級帳戶。 所有高級載具都能讓你每次作戰獲得更多的Research Point(研發點數)和Silver Lion(銀獅幣),這些載具並配備所有可用的改造項目。
宝贝属性: 雷霆 warthunder 正版 战争 Thunder Object 全球 Steam 120 War 月销:81件原价:266.00元折扣:6.5折 折扣价格¥172.90/包邮去天猫 分享商品:举报宝贝详情 评论一下 同类推荐 猜你喜欢 宝贝详情 产品参数: 游戏名称:Object 120礼包 商品形式:激活码\下载码 游戏版本:标准版 语种分类:简体中文 上市时...
Meet War Thunder’s first major update of 2024! We’ve added several interesting ground vehicles, some of which include five rank VII premiums, the formidable Fox light-tank, to the interesting looking 120S and Zerstörer 45. Hungarian aircraft have now made their way into Italy’s tree, ...
We continue to celebrate the 7th anniversary of War Thunder and would like to offer you special bundles and discounts in the Gaijin store. The final price of the bundle will depend on whether you already have some of the packs or not. Be sure to login to the store to see your individual...
War Thunder "Red Skies" - Changelog System Requirements For PC For MAC For Linux Minimum OS: Windows 10 (64 bit) Processor: Dual-Core 2.2 GHz Memory: 4GB Video Card: DirectX 11 level video card: AMD Radeon 77XX / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660. The minimum supported resolution for the game is...
- Object 120- Object 906- BMP-1• 修复了历史/全真模式中,测距仪只能侦测 2000 米范围的错误现在根据不同的型号,可侦测范围为 2500 - 5000米使用激光或立体测距仪的 VI 级地面载具侦测范围可达 5000 米• 106 毫米无后座力炮(60 式自走無反動砲、M50 盎图斯)碎甲弹穿深由 127 提升至 152 毫米参考...