转自网易云电台游戏 网络游戏 游戏原声 战雷 巨大DM53 发消息 关注216 默认收藏夹 1/81 创建者:萌鼠末路 收藏 《war thunder》战争雷霆 各系BGM 21.8万播放 中系主题~The March to the Revival 03:42 德系主题~Advance Australia 02:00 ...
After October 7, one of them posted a video of her partner, a soldier, laughing and rifling through a woman’s intimate belongings inside a bombed-out house in Gaza. Later, one of the Palestinian graduates of the program posted a meme that appeared to express support for Adolf Hitler. The...
memeon 2020-03-23 刀劍神域,藍井エイル,藍井艾露 藍井エイル ( 藍井艾露 )宣布演唱電視動畫《刀劍神域Alicization War of Underworld》第二季的片尾曲〈I will…〉,本作品將從4月開始播出的春季。 藍井エイル ( 藍井艾露 )表示,繼《刀劍神域Alicization》的片尾曲〈アイリス〉之後,可以再次演唱《刀劍神域...
由港泰混血男演員&模特兒「黃立賢」〈暱稱Yin〉及泰國籍男演員&歌手「瓦納拉特‧拉薩梅拉特」〈中譯〉〈暱稱War〉,所組成的CP「 YinWar 」即將在3月5日在Zepp New Taipei 舉辦見面會「YinWar 1st Fan Meeting in Taipei 蜜月小旅行 The Sweet Moment」,見面會前一日,他們特地與抽選出來的粉絲進行KTV PARTY。
Lightning, thunder…. Now, questions and maybe answers 1. What hobby progress can be done when it is just too hot to paint (totally not asking for myself… it’s for a friend of a friend of a friend…). Conversely, what hobby progress can be done when t’s too cold? Things that...
That scene often jumps back into my thoughts, not least as the most potent possible real-world example of the kind of “trolley problem” moral question that’s usually presented to us in far more benign terms – in some classroom, or even in an online meme, but which more usually we ...
Chapter I The Foreboding 1 What man may lay bare the soul of England as it was stirred during those days of July when suddenly, without any previous warning, loud enough to reach the ears of the mass of people, there came the menace of a great, bloody wa