live.warthunder这个涂装网要怎么进啊? 只看楼主收藏回复 我任星翰实名上网 ▲上尉 10 我没梯子,纯看运气,有时能有时不行,cdn扩展也安装了 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2024-08-05 17:18回复 Walemk ◇少校 11 就是要梯子进 来自iPhone客户端2楼2024-08-05 17:53 收起回复 扫...
1. 到War Thunder LIVE寻找喜欢的任务或是上传自己制作的关卡2. 选择“COPY MISSION LINK”选项,或是在"DOWNLOAD"按钮上按下右键,选择"复制链结网址"3. 开启游戏客户端,打开"菜单"→"自定义战斗"→右下角"创建游戏"→左上角"线上任务"4. 右下角选择"添加任务",输入想要的任务名子并在"任务网址"栏位中贴...
Open the game’s config.blk, which is located in the War Thunder game folder, using any text editor and add the line: enable_mod:b=yes to the sound block, pictured below. Some mods require the following variables and values to be added to the sound {} block of the config.blk...
6 February 1967: That Others May Live. Airman 2nd Class Duane D. Hackney, U.S. Air Force, 37th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron, rescued the pilot of a downed aircraft and earned the Air Force Cross. He was the first living enlisted recipient of the Air Force Cross. With more th...
“LIVE” continues to enthrall us! Summer is over but its echoes still reach us, for example in the form of the creations of our players. We have once again selected some of the more interesting things on War Thunder LIVE. When we share interesting missions with you, you can easily creat...
[HOSTS] ..有需要的就来下吧 邮箱发太麻烦了用法 在 C Windows System32 Drivers ETC 文件夹内进行覆盖这份hosts 功能挺全的 谷歌 steam origin 和战雷的效率也有所
WAR THUNDER Official WebsiteStoreMarketWT Live PortalForum • Theme:System Mach Number Limit1.75 M Gear Speed Limit (IAS)482 km/h Offensive armament 2×20 mm M39A3 cannon Ammunition560 rounds Fire rate1,698 shots/min Available belts
第一回做涂装,因为实在搞不懂camo贴图所以炮塔侧面爆反比较空,还请大佬们多多包涵 WTLive: B站链接: 共5 张 莫拉纳妖怪 10-26 39 断断续续搞了半个月终于完事儿了 做历史考证细节真的累 vongelak 天蝎...
A bug that caused support for voice mods for ground vehicle crews to stop working has been fixed. Discuss on the Forums
Heavy slam attacks can now use damage mods yesssssss A Fandom user·4/4/2024 Tennokai for Heavy Slides has been fixed 2Weak2Live·3/19/2024 The heavy attack table seems kind of broken. Taking gunblade as an example, there is no consistency: Redeemer, Redeemer Prime: 5x base, 3x slam...