War Thunder’s second major update of 2024 is here! With the release of this update, you’ll be able to enjoy several implemented Roadmap features including the ability to drag n drop vehicles from the research tree, separate flares & chaff, new crew models, and much more. We’ve also ...
nations. Italy has gained the Hungarian branch, which includes 11 ground vehicles starting from the Csaba and ending at the KF41, as well as 3 helicopters. The first South Korean vehicle, the VIDAR — which arrives as an export variant used by Norway — also comes to the Swedish tree!
What is the best loadout for the F-16 Barak II? Are wet ammo storages modeled in the Shermans (W)? Bring the Maus back into the tech tree? Why did the BMP-3 get a lower fire rate autocannon than the BMP-2? #videos #youtube ...
Coming soon to War Thunder with update Starfighter, the Type 93 will reinforce the top ranks of the Japanese ground tree and provide lethal anti-air cover for its allies on the ground! Briefly: An early ‘90s Japanese light SAM vehicle, equipped with eight lethal Type 91 IR-guided surface-...
There are now 18 new and updated aircraft, including the Yak-141, revamped models of the huge Lancasters and the MiG-29 for the German tree, and a particular version of the F-16 for Japan!HelicoptersThere’s a new AH-6M “Little Birds.Naval Fleet...
The game has spawned a loyal following of hardcore tankers that know its tech tree inside out, and can angle shells faster than you can say, ‘That’s a jolly big gun!’. But it’s also a treat for casual players that fancy a quick fight with their friends. Or, join a clan, and...
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War Thunder tanks In War Thunder, you choose your nation before you choose your tank, and your chosen nation has a unique skill tree with accurate artillery for that country. Choosing the US rewards you with US fleets of tanks and planes, while the USSR gives you Russian tanks and planes...
But disguise is an even higher branch of the art: you go on to make everything look like something else. Hermit crabs and caddis worms become our masters. Down from the sky peers the microscopic midget of a Boche plane: he sees a tree—but it may be a gun: he sees a gun—but it...
Beastcraft-Djevelens Treenighet Metal Box Set - strong metal box -Beastcraft- Into the burning pit of hell CD ( PWD CD 080 ) -Beastcraft - Dawn of the serpent CD ( PWD CD 081) -Beastcraft - Baptised in blood and Goatsemen CD ( PWD CD 082) - Poster A3 -Logo Patch -Button ...