The He 111 H-16 was one of the many variants built from the He 111. At the beginning, He 111s were powered by Daimler-Benz engines, specifically the DB 600. However, the He 111 E introduced the Junkers Jumo 211 engine, which was a direct competitor to the DB 600. The main differen...
Book of Records: German Aircraft - War Thunder Official Channel Heinkel Aircraft - War Thunder Official Channel Climbing the ranks with German aircraft - War Thunder Official Channel Pages in category "Germany aircraft" The following 168 pages are in this category, out of 168 total. A Alpha Je...
War Thunder 处于不断改进之中,并可在不更新客户端的情况下实施特定修复程序。
War Thunder正在不断改进,并且可以在不更新客户端的情况下实施特定更新。
AD4教学视频: 主要由于环境变化确实较大,现在美空两边都有的情况使得无论是法国AD4还是美空原版都经常会与美空T4分房的“友机”作战,甚至像这个案例里出现了AD4反杀AM1的案例,也算是为之后AM1教程开个头,不过法国AD4相比美空,其基本都会和英空在一边,所以...外部链接官方数据表——介绍了更为详细的性能模板:飞机制造方 雅科夫列夫 模板:苏联轰炸机 分类: 空军 苏联空军 I级空军 轰炸机 轻型轰炸机 含有受损文件链接的页面 苏联飞机 一级飞机 飞机...
阿尔-2于1940年春天进入红军空军服役。这架飞机从战争开始一直服役到1944年底,与红军空军和苏联海军航空兵一起作为俯冲轰炸机和侦察机服役。阿尔-2在1941年初停产。总共生产了大约200架。 媒体 皮肤 看看别的 发展型号 SB (消歧义) 模板:苏联空军...
War Thunder probably has the most realistic interpretation of the gun. Reply Oswaldsays: June 5, 2016 at 11:08 the link to the T80 is missing I hope you could end the page or fix the link “tanks” Reply TEadminsays: June 5, 2016 at 11:26 Currently we are working on the...
War Thunder - Duel 123 人观看 33 人观看 • 11 4月 2019年 4:36 5 人赞过 Убежище Thundro'droherow №111 850个粉丝 Яввк- группаввк- скинутькопейку-
The impetuous German SdKfz 140/1 and a powerful He 112 B-1/U-2, premium bonuses, 7 days of Premium account and Silver Lions - it's everything required for a confident victory in the early ranks of War Thunder!