Our exclusive War Thunder hack comes with an advanced Aimbot that is untraceable & undetectable. It doesn’t matter whether you are in the aerial or ground, your aim assistant will automatically snap on the enemy and automatically fire them if they are within the fire range. This aimbot has...
No, you need a permanent internet connection in order to play War Thunder. You can choose the server that suits you best (Russia, Europe, America, Asia) in the game mode selection menu. What game modes are available in War Thunder?
Name of the game you want hacked: War Thunder Mobile (WTM) Version of the game: 1.9 (afaik) iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/war-thunder-mobile/id1577525428 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Non-Jailbroken (If possible) Requested Featur
今天的主角属于演都不演的 录像地址 https://warthunder.com/en/tournament/replay/77897151833659261 举报方法: 1、 点击右下角红色VIEW REPLAY 看可疑的地方 2、点击作弊嫌疑人的ID右侧惊叹号 最上面Inhumanlike spotrs sprit 下拉改成 Resticted Modifications . 3、写入具体的作弊行为,可以直接谷歌或者百 共4 ...
I know that no Hack is save, cuz when you dont try it to hide, you will get reports and than a Ban. I hack now in War Thunder 2 Weeks every Day and i dont even try to hide it ^^ I never read in the Chat that im a Hacker even when I got them through bushes or Walls. I...
Fixed opening pause menu while transitioning from Open Landscape to Town leading to a loss of function. Update 35.0 (2023-12-13) Fixed a case of players being able to bypass the inactivity detector in the Plains of Eidolon. Fixed cases of Tusk Thumpers on the Plains of Eidolon becoming ...
Hackwild217 Added image-01 January 2023, 14:29 Happy 2023, may it not be as bad as the previous 3. Like6 Share Views40 Login required To leave comment, pleaseloginorregister. Best posts forthe past weekthe past monthall the timeLoginorregisterto see all posts...
( "player", RAGE ) if current < lastRage - 3 then -- Spent Rage, -3 is used as a Hack to avoid Rage decay triggering if state.talent.anger_management.enabled then rageSpent = ( rageSpent + ( lastRage - current ) ) % 20 end if state.legendary.glory.enabled and FindPlaye...
War Thunder Edge手游是一款多人竞技游戏,通过体验来自苏联、德国和美国的数十种真实的战斗单位,如同战机,坦克以及战舰等等,让你在游戏中来与更多玩家们共同展开各种对战竞技。 游戏特色: 1、多种不同的坦克飞机以及军舰可以选择使用; 2、玩家还可以在战场中采取诸多的战术来对抗对手; ...
Tenno can see the current Temperature when hovering over the Orb Vallis node in the Navigation Menu. The time cycle between these Temperatures is much shorter than the Day/Night equivalent on the Plains of Eidolon: Warm - approximately 4 minutes Cold - approximately 22 minutes In-Vallis ...