在作战任务“拉多加湖前线”及“库班前线”之中,前线宽度,轰炸目标点位置及机场位置已进行调整,使其与其它类似地图相一致。 作战任务“库班前线”中,野战防空炮数量显著降低,在任务地点中心十几公里外充当背景的载具也被移除。 修复了作战任务“库尔斯克前线”中的已知问题,该作战任务已重新添加至地图池。无...
M41 (90 mm)/Ammunition (view source) Template:- (view source) Template:AmmoDetailsTable (view source) Template:AmmoPenetrationTable (view source) Template:Germany tank cannons (view source) Template:Navigation-End (view source) Template:Navigation-First-Line (view source) Template:Navigat...
HOW TO DESTROY GERMAN TANKS WWII WAR DEP 14:43 HOW IT WORKS_ WW2 Tank Factories - YouTu 20:02 HOW IT WORKS_ WW2 B-29 Super-Fortress - 1:11:06 HOW IT WORKS_ WW2 Aircraft Defense - You 12:19 HOW IT WORKS_ Boeing B-47 Stratojet - Yo 35:51 Great Planes - Republic P-47...
United States of America (1984-1987) MBT – Models Only In 1984, the US military was considering the problems connected with a new range of vehicles, such as the new M1 Abrams main battle tank and M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV). As part of the evaluation of trends in future...
German border and the area around MONS had passed to oontrol of Com Z. Again at CELLES, where the 2nd German Panzer Division, short of gasoline and heavily engagad by the 2nd Armored Division, suffered complete loss through a combination of self-destruction, ground action, and air action,...
M41A1、leKPz M41、M41A1 (日本)、M41A3 (中国)、M41D— 修复了坦克加装挂胶履带的情况下,载具在硬质路面上仍会错误摩擦出火星的问题。 哈立德-I— 炮手与车长观瞄缩放倍率细化为 6-10 倍。(玩家报告).资料来源: Heavy Industries Taxila, Al-Khalid 1 Brochure. ...
leKPz M41— 履带已更新至具备物理互动效果的类型。 M1128— 车体附加装甲套件中的复合装甲模块已升级为实体装甲。 雌虎30— 载具全重由 61 吨提升至 64.4 吨。(玩家报告). A.C.I— 内部装甲舱壁已由防护分析视角移至内构视角,方便玩家查看。 索玛SM— 前进行驶极速由 40 千米/时提升至 50 千米/时。(玩...
M41A1、leKPz M41、M41A1 (日本)、M41A3 (中国)、M41D— 修复了坦克加装挂胶履带的情况下,载具在硬质路面上仍会错误摩擦出火星的问题。 哈立德-I— 炮手与车长观瞄缩放倍率细化为 6-10 倍。(玩家报告). 资料来源: Heavy Industries Taxila, Al-Khalid 1 Brochure. ...
Meet Dance of Dragons, War Thunder’s third 2024 major update that features brand-new vehicles, quality of life additions and plenty of bug fixes. Welcome the first domestic aircraft from Switzerland to the game through the addition of the player-made premium P-16 strike aircraft for Germany!