根据阵营与分房权重区间对坦克单位的型号与类别进行统一配置。 VII 级陆战载具已加入地面坦克战与车队的单位中。 战区周围的防空火力将随着战斗等级改变,每个等级的战斗都将拥有各自的防空火力配置,而非一成不变的二战时期 88 毫米高射炮。 对战区,机场,港口与海上船队的 AI 运作逻辑进行了重新设计,现在每张地图所...
FW-190A-5(全部型号) / Ta-152C1— 更新了气动模型。现在做出逆向于螺旋桨旋转方向的机动更容易了,当接近失速临界角度时机体更加稳定,更加易于降落。 F4U-4/4b- 修正了引擎具体出力,修改了加力出力和三级增压的问题。 F4U-7- 将引擎出力数据修改至与 F4U-4B 一致(增加了加力出力)。
战雷外挂 (1/2) 自动连播 3973播放简介 订阅合集 外挂外挂外挂 War Thunder 2022.06.22 -完整录像.mp4 17:01 [战争雷霆]你游开挂的有多嚣张 08:04 战争雷霆免费金鹰? 提携玖伍为君死 4.1万 66 [战争雷霆]毫无技术力的毫无技术集锦? 喳喳king 93 0 3485的唯一优点 雾里学习者 8.8万 ...
美国对地打击机(战斗/攻击机) A-20G-25II A-36II PBJ-1HIII PBJ-1JIII A-1HIV A-26B-10IV A-26B-50IV AD-2IV AD-4IV AM-1IV AU-1IV XA-38IV A2D-1V F-84B-26V F-84FV F-84G-21-REV F3D-1V A-10AVI A-4BVI A-4E 早期型VI AV-8AVI AV-8CVI F-117VI FJ-4BVI FJ-...
有点跑题,回到warthunder,我大概是上个月开始摄入这款游戏,玩了200左右个小时吧.我99%的时间都在arcade mode,所以这攻略主要是面向纯休闲玩家. 那本人先谈谈装甲吧.个人感觉装甲值也就是armament,是决定你死得惨不惨的重要数值,举个最简单的例子,当汉斯的fw190 和 鬼子的自杀机 对飞葫芦且中弹的时候,前者...
The second wave of Luftwaffe aircraft ran headlong into a dozen F-105 Thunderchiefs on a strike mission. Even with a 2-1 advantage, the dedicated ground attack Luftwaffe aircraft were decimated by the far faster Thunderchiefs. The Luftwaffe commander, assuming that the Allies had flooded...
F8F-1 kills Fw.190A-5 #f8f1 #fw190a5 0 2 Added image-10 Sep 2023 Tiger II (H) shooting #tiger2h 0 10 МастурБист Added image-10 Sep 2023 Two Fw190A-1 #fw190a1 1 8 МастурБист Added image-13 Sep 2023 ...
Can someone Please re-create this skin for Yugoslavian Fw-190-F8, they are only 2 surviving examples in the world and this is one of them, its sadly kept in storage of Airforce Museum’s Depot in Belgrade with other captured planes like Bf 109 G's and K's and awaiting restoration. ...
Do not expect to out-climb every fighter in War Thunder. Expect to engage Fw 190D as the F8F-1B climbs. 109G-10, 109G-14, 109K-4, Tempest Mk.II, Spitfire Mk.XIVe, and J2M3 are able to reach the height of the 1B at the same time the 1B is able to. The F8F-1B will...
Therefore, always side-climb at the beginning of a match as the 1B needs all the energy it can get, especially when facing opponents such as the FW-190 D which can out-climb an F8F-1B in continuous climb due to the lower thermal restraints of its Junkers engine. + In RB, the F8F...