修复了开启 DX12 画面选项草地可能出现意外闪烁的问题。 交互界面 修复了通行证免费奖励等级解锁存在延迟、部分情况下需要重新启动游戏才能正常领取的问题。(玩家报告). 其他变动 修复了导弹教程任务任务存在的一项命名错误。(玩家报告). 修复了空中载具切换至与当前视角的同一视角会出现画面意外抖动的问题 (这一情况常见...
战争雷霆即将随新版本“浴火飞鸟”更新对光线追踪技术的支持,同时还将引入一系列基于光追技术的全新视觉效果,例如光线追踪阴影、光追环境光遮蔽以及光追反射等。本期开发日志我们将带您一同深入细节内容,了解新版本全新光追技术! 光追技术的具体机制如何? 为了支持光线追踪技术,开发团队必须先为游戏场景构筑 BV...
i've bought an Intel Arc A770 Limited Edition GPU , i play WarThunder (Tanks) but performance overall is really bad , even with lower resolution and effects , and gpu still over 70% usage , did you working on drivers and performance upgrade ? Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply seba...
i've bought an Intel Arc A770 Limited Edition GPU , i play WarThunder (Tanks) but performance overall is really bad , even with lower resolution and effects , and gpu still over 70% usage , did you working on drivers and performance upgrade ? Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply seba...
A: Answer: DX12 and Vulkan won’t provide any performance increases without a thorough reworking of therenderer. Such reworking would mean losing DX9 support, and the performance increase still wouldn’t be significant. At the same time, DX12 support provides no new effects that can’t be obt...
Applies to both the "Classic" and "Enhanced" mode in DX12. DX11 is not affected. There is a small increase to the amount of storage space used by the game. This feature is new and experimental, so let us know if you see anything very strange happen to the game's visuals with "...
《Warface》由著名游戏及引擎开发商Crytek研发,Crytek是 分享12赞 战争雷霆吧 随便通过恁💨 战争雷霆手游 War Thunder: Legends 只有海战,宣传片看是血条 661124 国游销量吧 Minarstirise (战争游戏——赤潮)一个让我惊艳的游戏,貌似是国产的由GameScience游戏科学制作组制作,貌似是国内制作组,而且已经通过了steam...
DX12 资源包。游戏开发者在使用 DirectX 12(微软的图形显示和模拟一体化 API)开发游戏时可借助该资源包增强游戏真感并缩短游戏开发周期。 资源包更新包括: NVIDIA GameWorks SDK(用于在 PC 游戏中创造互动式电影大片级体验)、NVIDIA VRWorks? SDK(用于创造沉浸式虚拟现实体验),以及新的开发者工具和新的 Game Ready...
Besides adding support for latest titles, the 101.6077 beta drivers also fixed issues like corruption on certain reflective surfaces during gameplay of The Last of Us Part I (DX12), and corrupted lines on certain textures during gameplay of Age of Empires IV (DX12). Interestingly, few issues ...
谈一下Apex的季中改动 在游戏启动方面默认换到了DX12,手柄bug灵敏度失常,键鼠TS幅度减小#apex更新 #apex顶尖猎杀者 #apex女玩家 00:00 / 03:26 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞44 阿飞教授(三角洲行动)10月前手柄总时长100小时已经完全超越我四五年的键盘鼠标我的练习方式速成法哪个点不行就攻破哪个点因为视频只能...